Within a state there is generally a four-tier structure of ad- ministration – division, district, taluka/tehsil/block, and village. The district has been so far the most important unit of administration. Some of the states have introduced the system of Panchayati Raj, generally a three-tier structure of local self- government in rural areas at the vil- lage, block and district levels. Two recent constitutional amendments have bestowed on the local bodies in rural and urban areas constitutional status and specific functions including education, covering education upto secondary level, technical training and vocational education, adult and non-formal education. These amendments will strengthen decentralised management of educa- tion at the grass-root level.
For the administrative ease rajasthan has been devided into following seven devisions:-
1 Ajmer Division
2 Bharatpur Division
3 Bikaner Division
4 Jaipur Division
5 Jodhpur Division
6 Kota Division
7 Udaipur Division
Districts of Rajasthan
Citizen’s Charter is a document which represents a systematic effort to focus on the commitment of the Organisation towards its Citizens in respects of Standard of Services, Information, Choice and Consultation, Non-discrimination and Accessibility, Grievance Redress, Courtesy and Value for Money.
The main objective of the exercise to issue the Citizen’s Charter of an organisation is to improve the quality of public services. This is done by letting people know the mandate of the concerned Ministry/ Department/ Organisation, how one can get in touch with its officials, what to expect by way of services and how to seek a remedy if something goes wrong. The Citizen’s Charter does not by itself create new legal rights, but it surely helps in enforcing existing rights. This website provides the details of Citizen’s Charter of various Ministries/ Departments/ Organistions of the Government of India.
The basic objective of the Citizen’s Charter is to empower the citizen in relation to public service delivery. The six principles of the Citizen’s Charter movement as originally framed were:
(i) Quality: Improving the quality of services;
(ii) Choice: Wherever possible;
(iii) Standards: Specifying what to expect and how to act if standards are not met;
(iv) Value : For the taxpayers’ money;
(v) Accountability: Individuals and Organisations; and
(vi) Transparency: Rules/Procedures/Schemes/Grievances.
These were later elaborated by the Labour Government as the nine principles of Service Delivery (1998), which are as follows:-
- Set standards of service
- Be Open and provide full information
- Consult and involve
- Encourage access and the promotion of choice
- Treat all fairly
- Put things right when they go wrong
- Use resources effectively
- Innovate and improve
- Work with other providers
Government of Rajasthan(Administrative Reforms and Coordination Department, Jaipur, Rajasthan) manages the citizen charters in the state Following departments have issued there separate charters, which could be accessed from their websites.
- Registration and Stamps Department, Rajasthan, Ajmer
- Food and Civil Supplies Department, Rajasthan, Jaipur
- Revenue Department
- Local Bodies
- Transport Department
- Medical & Health & Associate Hospitals
- SMS Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur
- Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, Ajmer
- Psychiatry Centre & Mental Hospital, Jaipur
- Sir Padampat Mother & Child Health Institute , Jaipur
- Chest & T.B. Hospital, Jaipur