- Inadequate implementation of © safeguards
- Tussle btw © provision of governor has been given power to exclude the application of any law of part thereof made by the Parliament or the state legislature Vs 163 ( aid n advice of COM)
- Art 339(2) and Para 3 of V sched. Give extensive power to state for implementation of policies and scheme.( Centre can issue direction) ——No directives till date
- Art 275(1) – financial provision to meet the cost of schemes and policies….no such directives
- Failure of persuasive approach from centre….
- Failure of V sched. Provisions ; wasy transfer of land to moneylender; prescribed min. wages not adopted; condition of migrant tribal labour not good.
- Tribal sub plan- failure ; lack of orientation of administrative machinery
- Assistance given is very less to lift a family above poverty line.
- Poor representation in services and posts: Group A and B—less < 2%, Group C and D- < 5%
- Development process_— Non tribal influx——grabbing of jobs and opportunities—–Tribal majority turns into minority