DMPQ-What are the risk associated by peer to peer lending?

P2P lending is the popular type of crowd funding, whereby an internet platform collects small amounts of funds from individuals in a crowd to finance collectively a larger loan to individuals or businesses. Websites that facilitate peer-to-peer lending have greatly increased its adoption as an alternative method of financing.P2P lending is also known as social … Read more

DMPQ- In the current COVID-19 crisis , the government is facing the issue of breaching the comfortable limit of fiscal deficit. What are the consequences of high fiscal deficit?

Fiscal deficit refers to the excess of total budget expenditure over total budget receipts excluding borrowings during a fiscal year. Fiscal Deficit = Total Budget Expenditure – Total Receipts excluding borrowings = Revenue Expenditure + Capital Expenditure – Revenue receipts – Capital Receipts of only non-debt type   Implications of high fiscal deficit on economy: … Read more

DMPQ-Vidyanjali scheme (GOVT. SCHEME)

Vidyanjali – (School Volunteer Programme) is an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy to enhance community and private sector involvement in Government run elementary schools across the country under the overall aegis of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. This programme has been envisaged to bring together people willing … Read more

DMPQ-Land reforms were the initial initiatives taken post Independence era. Discuss the significance of the Land reforms.

The Indian agricultural system was plagued by ills of absentee landlordism, tenancy. Land reform was thereforeneeded to break the shackles of zamindari systems prevalent since British raj. Farmers were made owners of theirland after which they worked wholeheartedly on their farms. Significance of Land reforms in India: Land ceiling to disburse surplus land amongst small … Read more

DMPQ: . Explain the following terms: a) Sunrise Industry b) Foot loose Industry

Sunrise Industry: Sunrise industry is a colloquial term for a burgeoning sector or business that is just in its infancy but shows promise of a rapid boom. A sunrise industry is typically characterized by high growth rates, numerous start-ups and an abundance of venture capital funding. Sunrise industries generally have plenty of “buzz” surrounding them as public … Read more

DMPQ :India is passing through the phase of demographic dividend but at the same time India is also going to face issues of ageing population. In this context discuss the issues attached with the elderly Population.

With increase in the average expectancy age , the issue of elderly population will arise in the near future. The economy has to look into to take care of the elderly population. But there are some issues attached with ageing population: Lack of uniform and accessible pension system. Premium rates are different and there are … Read more

DMPQ- What is cost push inflation and how it is different from demand pull inflation?

Cost-push inflation occurs when overall prices increase due to increases in the cost of production. Higher costs of production can decrease the aggregate supply (total production) in the economy. If the demand remains unchanged, the prices of commodities increase causing a rise in the overall price level which then is passed on to consumers creating … Read more

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