DMPQ: Why manufacturing sector in India failed to realise its potential?

Major reasons are: Low capital investment in infrastructure. Rising NPA after financial crisis and Twin balance sheet problem. Opening up of economy in 1991 had make us vulnerable as manufacturing country. We did capitalise on service sector. Labour laws skewed in favour of non-setting up of manufacturing units. Low investment in Research and development sector. … Read more

DMPQ: What is SEBI? Write down its functions

SEBI stands for securities and exchange board of India. It was set up through a government resolution in an effort to give the Indian stock market an organised structure. Its initial paid up capital up was Rs. 50 Crore.   Main functions and powers of the SEBI are as follows: Registering and stock exchanges, merchant … Read more


Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources Dhan (GOBAR-DHAN) scheme was first announced in Budget 2018. The scheme would focus on managing and converting cattle dung and solid waste in farms to compost, biogas and bio-CNG. It wiill help in keeping the village clean while increasing the income of farmers and cattle herders.  Under it, villagers will be … Read more

DMPQ- Trace India’s progress towards market exchange rate.

Managed float regime is the current international financial environment in which exchange rates fluctuate from day to day, but central banks attempt to influence their countries’ exchange rates by buying and selling currencies. It is also known as a dirty float. India’s exchange rate policy has evolved over time in line with the gradual opening … Read more

DMPQ- What is peer to peer landing? What are the advantages associated with it?

P2P lending is the popular type of crowd funding, whereby an internet platform collects small amounts of funds from individuals in a crowd to finance collectively a larger loan to individuals or businesses. Websites that facilitate peer-to-peer lending have greatly increased its adoption as an alternative method of financing.P2P lending is also known as social … Read more

DMPQ- Mention the recommendations of MS Swaminathan report on food security and land reforms.

Land reforms Distribute ceiling-surplus and waste lands; Prevent diversion of prime agricultural land and forest to corporate sector for non-agricultural purposes. Ensure grazing rights and seasonal access to forests to tribals and pastoralists, and access to common property resources. Establish a National Land Use Advisory Service, which would have the capacity to link land use … Read more

DMPQ- Critically analyse the Indian performance in Global Multidimensional Poverty Index.

Global MPI is an international measure of multidimensional poverty covering 107 developing countries and was first developed in 2010 by Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for UNDP’s Human Development Reports. The Global MPI is released at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development of the United … Read more

DMPQ- Critically analysis India’s performance in Global Competitiveness Index

Featuring the new Global Competitiveness Index, the Report assesses the competitiveness landscape of 140 economies, providing unique insight into the drivers of economic growth in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Current position of india The country’s favourable demographic has earned it a rank of 58 among 140 countries in the World Economic Forum’s … Read more

DMPQ- Ujjwala yojana and its benefits.

Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) aims to safeguard the health of women & children by providing them with a clean cooking fuel – LPG, so that they don’t have to compromise their health in smoky kitchens or wander in unsafe areas collecting firewood. Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana was launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra … Read more

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