DMPQ:What is the role of institution in democracy?

Institution are key component of democracy. They are the building blocks of democracy. These blocks keep the democracy alive and vibrant. Election commission of India, CAG, UPSC, Parliament, SC, NGO, Responsible media, Civil servant are some of the example of institution in democracy.   The role played by the institutions in democracy: Prevent the authoritarian … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on SDG India Index.

While countries around the world have been considering how to implement and measure success against the Goals, NITI Aayog has taken the lead by bringing out the SDG India Index – Baseline Report 2018, and showing how SDGs will be measured in India.  NITI Aayog has constructed the SDG India Index spanning across 13 out … Read more

DMPQ: Tax reforms are the major part of the economic programme. Discuss the reforms taken in the direct taxes and indirect taxes in India.( Economy)

Since the beginnings of the last decade as a part of the economic reforms programme, the taxation system in the country has been subjected to consistent and comprehensive programme.  Indian government over the years have introduced tax reforms from time to time.     Direct tax reforms: Reduction and rationalisation of rates- there are only … Read more

DMPQ: What was the mandate of the committee headed by D B Shekatkar? Outline its recommendation. ( Military reforms/ polity)

The committee, set up in 2015 to recommend measures to enhance combat capability and rebalance defence expenditure of the armed forces, has submitted its final report in December 2016. The committee said that if recommendations are implemented, the government can save up to Rs. 25,000 crore from the current expenditure. The major recommendations are as follows: … Read more

DMPQ-What do you understand by the term Liberalisation? What are the components of Liberalisation?

The term “liberalization” in this context implies economic liberalization. The essence of thispolicy is that greater freedom is to be given to the entrepreneur of any industry, trade orbusiness and that governmental control on the same be reduced to the minimum. Rules and laws which were aimed at regulating the economic activities became majorhindrances in … Read more

DMPQ:What is bad bank? Why there is need of Bad bank?

Bad bank or PARA (Public Sector Asset Rehabilitation Agency) was proposed in Economic Survey 2016-17. Bad Bank is an institution which specializes in loan resolution process, so that banking system is free to focus on core banking solutions. Need for PARA According to Economic Survey, need for PARA arises because: Early resolution so that Funds for creation … Read more

DMPQ- What is Financial inclusion? Suggest some ways to enhance Financial Inclusion in India?

Financial inclusion is the pursuit of making financial services accessible at affordable costs to all individuals and businesses, regardless of net worth and size, respectively. Financial inclusion strives to address and proffer solutions to the constraints that exclude people from participating in the financial sector. It is also called inclusive financing. Government has launched various … Read more

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