DMPQ- Explain the continental drift theory. Discuss along with the evidences to support the theory.

This theory was put forth by Alfred Wegener. The continental drift hypothesis was developed in the early part of the 20th century. According to this theory, e continents were once united into a single supercontinent named Pangaea, meaning all earth in ancient Greek. He suggested that Pangaea broke up long ago and that the continents … Read more

DMPQ- Mention few erosional Landforms.

EROSIONAL LANDFORMS Cirque Cirques are the most common of landforms in glaciated mountains. They are deep, long and wide troughs or basins with very steep concave to vertically dropping high walls at its head as well as sides. A lake of water can be seen quite often within the cirques after the glacier disappears. Such … Read more

DMPQ- List out the challenges faced in transportation of agricultural produce in India. Give suggestive measures.

Transport is considered to be an important aspect in improving agricultural efficiency. It improves the quality of life of individuals, structures a market for agricultural productions, makes interaction possible among geographical as well as regions and opened up new areas to economic focus. Road transport is the most regular and multifaceted network that includes wide … Read more

DMPQ- Write aan essay on Monsoons in India.

The monsoons in India form two branches: the first, the southwest monsoon, sweeps from the Arabian Sea and drenches the Malabar coast of western India and then sweeps down towards Sri Lanka. The second, the southeast, moves northward around the same time from the Bay of Bengal and drenches Bangladesh and eastern Indian and then … Read more

DMPQ- District Mineral foundation.

District Mineral Foundation (DMF) is a trust set up as a non-profit body, in those districts affected by the mining works, to work for the interest and benefit of persons and areas affected by mining related operations. It is funded through the contributions from the holder of major or minor mineral concession in the district … Read more

DMPQ: Short note on Tertiary coal field.

Tertiary coal 15 to 60 million years old. Carbon content is very low.Mainly confined to the extra-Peninsula [Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh etc.]Coal generally has low carbon and high percentage of moisture and Sulphur.It takes few hundred million years for the carbon content to improve.Important areas of Tertiary coal include parts of … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the concept of Upwelling.

When the wind blows parallel to a coastline, surface waters are pushed offshore and water is drawn from below to replace the water that has been pushed away. The upward movement of this deep, colder water is called upwelling. The deeper water that rises to the surface during upwelling is rich in nutrients. These nutrients … Read more

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