DMPQ- Evaluate critically that western thoughts and education played important role in the rise of modern nationalism in India.

. The introduction of a modern system of education afforded opportunities for assimilation of modern Western ideas. This, in turn, gave a new direction to Indian political thinking, although the English system of education had been conceived by the rulers in the self-interest of efficient administration. The liberal and radical thought of European writers like … Read more

DMPQ- “ Home charges” is one of the main component of drain of wealth. Explain the term Home charge.

Expenditure carried out by company up to 1858 and by British government after 1858 in London on behalf of India. Home charges include –  Dividend paid to shareholders by company.  Interest paid by company on the loans raised in London.  Salary and pensions of officials working in London.  Pension of officials … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss how lord Dalhousie’s Policy of Lapse policy helped the cause of expansion of British empire.

Unlike Wellesley, Dalhousie wanted to extend  direct rule of British over India. Satara (which was created as a state for Marathas after Second  Anglo Maratha War), Jhansi, Nagpur were annexed through Doctrine of Lapse. Dalhousie also  wanted to bring Awadh under British rule, but British had friendly terms with Awadh since it  helped them in … Read more

DMPQ- What were the aims of Indian National Congress during its initial years.

Formation of Indian National Congress aims and objectives  Nation building: The first and foremost major objectives of INC were to promote the nation-building process in India. It was to create a national identity of being an Indian among the people and to promote National Unity. This was important because colonial administrators did not consider … Read more

DMPQ- What were the reasons for the formation of Indian National Congress?

The need for the formation of an all-India political organization had become an objective necessity. The pre-congress organizations were limited in scope and objectives. It was only the establishment of congress that gave new momentum to the Nationalist movement. The reasons for the Formation of INC are: All the associations are headed by elites and … Read more

DMPQ- . Explain the challenges of Kashmir integration and also mention how did India respond to it.

. In Kashmir, Hari Singh was a Hindu ruler with 75% of Muslim population and he was also averse to idea of joining either India or Pakistan out of his apprehensions regarding both democracy and communalism. Popular political forces led by Sheikh Abdullah wanted to join India on the other hand. India, however, remained non-committal … Read more

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