DMPQ- What were the major demand of the Indian National Congress during Moderate dominant era?

The major demands can be put under following head and are as follows: Constitutional Opportunity for participation in the government was one of the major demands of the Indian National Congress. It demanded Indian representation in the government. Economic High land revenue was one of the major factors that contributed to the oppression of the … Read more

DMPQ-Write a short note on Mahalwari system.

Mahalwari system was introduced in 1833 during the period of William Bentick. Mahalwari system is the modified version Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube of the Zamindari settlement The revenue settlement was to be made village by village or estate (mahal) by estate with landlords or heads of families who collectively claimed to be … Read more

DMPQ: Congress tilted towards socialism and communism ideology post 1930 and started bringing the issues of the peasants in front of British. But congress ministries formed during 1937 were not able to unleash radical changes. Discuss. (History)

There were certain basic constraints before the congress ministries could undertake a complete overhaul of the agrarian structure by completely abolishing zamindari.  These constraints were:   The ministries did not have adequate powers. There were inadequate financial resources as a lion’s share was appropriated by the Government of India. Strategy of class adjustments was another … Read more

DMPQ- Explain why relations between the European states were so full of tensions in the early years of the twentieth century.

The dawn of the Join Our Telegram Channel 20th century was thus a time of anxiety for the British Empire. Challenged for the first time by the commercial, naval, and colonial might of many other industrializing nations, the British reconsidered the wisdom of splendid isolation. To be sure, in the Fashoda Incident of 1898 Britain … Read more

DMPQ- Through light on the Upanishads Ideal of service .

 The Upanishadic Ideal of service is based on the concepts of Truth, Dharma and Yajna. Without comprehending these three concepts we cannot understand what we have come to recognise as service today – the most appealing and popular component of modern religions. Discovering the Satyam  Thousands of years ago, when humanity was still … Read more

DMPQ- ODISSA school of Architecture.

Architecture in Odisha found Subscribe on YouTube its supreme expression in the form of temples, some of which are among, finest in the country. o Of these, three are most famous the Lingaraja temple at Bhubaneswar (11th century), the Jagannath Temple at Puri (12th century) and the great Join Our Telegram Channel Sun Temple at … Read more

DMPQ:By his own admission, Gandhi was on a humanitarian rather than a political mission to Champaran. But Champaran changed the course of the freedom struggle.

Mahatma Gandhi’s first Satyagraha in India is being marked this April. It was undertaken in the erstwhile undivided Champaran district in northern Bihar. He went there in April, 1917 on learning about the abuses suffered by the cultivators of the district, forced into growing indigo by British planters/estate owners. ‘The Champaran tenant’, informs Gandhi, ‘was … Read more

DMPQ: Evaluate the role of Dayanand Saraswati in the social reform movement of the 19th century.

Dayanad Saraswati’s was one of the pioneer figure during the course of socio religious movement. His ideology stirred a new debate within the reformist movement in India. It made the masses culturally conscious.   He founded Aryan samaj in Bombay in 1875 and invoked the authority of vedas as the most authentic Indian religious reforms … Read more

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