DMPQ:Home charges is one of the major component of drain of wealth. In this context please explain home charge and also list down the effect of drain of wealth.

East India company took away part of Indian resources and wealth and in reciprocity they offer no return. This continuous drain made India Impoverished . The major component of drain of wealth was home charges: Home charge is the expenditure carried out by company before 1858 and by British government  after 1858 . It includes … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on Eka movement

Eka Movement or Unity Movement is a peasant movement which surfaced in Hardoi, Bahraich and Sitapur during the end of 1921 by Madari Pasi, an offshoot of Non Cooperation Movement. The initial thrust was given by the leaders of Congress and Khilafat movement. The main reason for the movement was high rent, which was generally … Read more

DMPQ- Do you think river interlinking project in India is going to address the problem of water crisis and floods in India?

River interlinking is an ambitious project of central government to link surplus river basin with deficient river basin to solve surplus and shortage problem of various regions of the country. Recently Bihar and Assam faced the flood situation diverting of water through inter linking can solve the crisis. Points in favour are as: Prevention of … Read more

DMPQ:What are the objectives of Nutrient based subsidy scheme?

Nutrient bases subsidy scheme is to ensure balanced use of fertilizers and to improve agriculture productivity. The major features of NBS are: Under the NBS Policy, a fixed amount of subsidy decided on annual basis isprovided on each grade of the subsidized Phosphatic & Potassic (P&K) fertilizersdepending upon its nutrient content.Minimum Retail Price (MRP) of … Read more

DMPQ- “Government of India act of 1856 brought the significant changes in British India’s constitutional set up.” Elucidate.

. This significant Act was enacted in the wake of the Revolt of 1857—also known as the First War of Independence or the ‘sepoy mutiny’. The act known as the Act for the Good Government of India, abolished the East India Company, and transferred the powers of government, territories and revenues to the British Crown. … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the approach of disinvestment and privatization in 1991 economic policy.

Both disinvestment as well as privatization is the reverse of investment. For setting up  public sector, the government had to invest by subscribing in shares of the new public  sector from budgetary resources. Thus, disinvestment and privatization both imply ‘selling  of shares of public sector by the government’. We all know that shares are traded … Read more

DMPQ: Distribution of volcanoes around the world.

Most known volcanic activity and the earthquakes occur along converging plate margins and mid-oceanic ridges. There is a strikingly close agreement between volcanic and earthquake zones of the earth. The major regions of volcanoes around the world are: Pacific ring of fire:  Pacific Ring of Fire’ is estimated to include two-thirds of the world’s volcanoes.  The major regions … Read more

DMPQ-Pradhan Mantri urja ganga Yojana.

It is a project to provide the clean energy in eastern part of the country. The gas pipeline will pass through 50 district in the state of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal. It is a two phased Project which was launched in 2016 also known as Jagdishpur-Haldia and Bokaro dharma natural gas … Read more

DMPQ: Compare Temperate cyclone and tropical cyclone.

  Factors Temperate Tropical Latitude 300- 600 50- 300 Originating element Frontogenesis Temperature and Coriolis force Cloud Wide range of clouds associated Generally Clumonimbus Rainfall and life Rainfall is slow. It remain in life for many days. Rain is heavy but does not last beyond few hrs. Isobars Complete circle with steep gradient V shaped … Read more

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