DMPQ- Why Fold mountains are found along the continent margins.

Fold Mountains are commonly associated with continental crust. They are formed due to convergence between two continental plates or between an oceanic and a continental plate. This convergence happens at the convergent plate boundaries, also called as continental collision zones or compression zones. The convergence of two continental plates causes sediments between them to get … Read more

DMPQ- Purchasing power Parity.

The purchasing power of a currency refers to the quantity of the currency needed to purchase a given unit of a good, or common basket of goods and services.  Purchasing power is clearly determined by the relative cost of living and inflation rates in different countries. Purchasing power parity means equalising the purchasing power of … Read more

DMPQ: Write a short note on the republican constitution of the The Licchavi’s .

There were two Systems of government in the Eastern region. The states of Anga, Magadha, Vatsa etc. were monarchies. Those of Kasf, Kaulala, Videha etc. on the other band were republics. Two of these republics were quite well known, the Republics of the Vajjis or Licchavis and that of the Mallas. Republics were later developments of monarchies and the precursors of democracies. The Licchavis founded their Republic … Read more

DMPQ- What do you mean by revenue budget and capital budget? Explain the components of the respective meanings also.

The Revenue Budget comprises revenue receipts and expenditure met from these revenues. The revenue receipts include both tax revenue (like income tax, excise duty) and non-tax revenue (like interest receipts, profits). Capital Budget consists of capital receipts {like borrowing, disinvestment) and long period capital expenditure (creation of assets, investment). Capital receipts are receipts of the … Read more

DMPQ- Thanjavur paintings.

Thanjavur paintings basically signify paintings created using a style and technique, which originated in Thanjavur during the maratha period in the 16th century. A typical Thanjavur painting would consist of one main figure, a deity, with a well-rounded body & almond shaped eyes. This figure would be housed in an enclosure created by means of … Read more

What is nanotechnology? Write down its application and mention programmes initiated by government of India?

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology involves the concept of manipulating the extremely small things at nanoscale. At nanoscale things behave differently and this properties can be utilised across various fields of science like chemistry, biology, medicine, physics and material science. Nanotechnology has various application: Medicine: Nanoparticle can be used as effective drug deliver. This will help to … Read more

DMPQ: Write in brief on the achievements of Green Revolution in India

The main achievements of Green Revolution may be summarized as under: The production and productivity of wheat, rice, maize, and bajra has increased substantially. India has become almost self-sufficient in the matter of staple foods. The double cropped area has increased; thereby intensification of the Indian agriculture has increased. In the areas where Green Revolution … Read more

DMPQ- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is the study of molecules by recording the interaction of radiofrequency (Rf) electromagnetic radiations with the nuclei of molecules placed in a strong magnetic field. The technique is used in quality control and research for determining the content and purity of a sample as well as its molecular structure. The … Read more

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