DMPQ: What is contract farming? What are its advantages? (economy)

Contract farming is a kind of system in which bulk purchaser enters into contract with farmers. It includes agro- processing, exporting and trading units.  They purchase a specified quantity of any agricultural commodity at pre agreed price. Sponsor provides all kind of production support to the contracted farmers. This include extension service also.     … Read more

DMPQ-. The declining growth in agriculture owing to two consecutive drought years indicating a building up rural distress, discuss a roadmap to ensure complete agrarian transformation of sort to ensure sustainable livelihoods for the farmers and food security for the population?

The decline in agriculture growth is attributed to two consecutive drought years; as 60% of Indian agriculture is rain-fed. A target of 4% growth has been envisaged for agriculture and allied sectors for twelfth plan period, however, the growth was (-) 0.2 per cent in 2014-15 & 1.1% in 2015-16. The depressing situation of agriculture … Read more

DMPQ: Economic survey suggested that India’s growth decoupled with the world growth? What is this decoupling and what are the reasons for it?( Economic survey)

Decoupling means Decline in the growth rate of India when world was facing positive growth rate. The Reasons for this decoupling can be attributed to Domestic reasons and the long term effect of balance sheet syndrome.   Reasons are: Demonetisation exercise lead to negative growth rate. Problems in new Indirect tax reform GST. Twin balance … Read more

DMPQ: What is the mandate of SFIO? ( ECONOMY)

SFIO stands for serious frauds investigation office. It is a investigation agency which is under the jurisdiction of ministry of corporate affairs.  The mandate of SFIO is as under: The SFIO is involved in major fraud probes and is the co-ordinating agency with the Income Tax Department and the Central Bureau of Investigation. It is … Read more

DMPQ- Bhakti movement had different manifestation. But some of the core principles were common to all. Comment on the basics principles of Bhakti movement.

During 14th – 16th centuries, Bhakti movements were a very dominant socio-cultural force in India. It touched upon every dimension of human life and affected contemporary thoughts very deeply. Leaders like Ramananda, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Ravi Das, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, etc were associated with this movement. Core principles of Bhakti movement Personal God: The cardinal principle … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the key issues with real estate sector? Outline the provisions of Real estate ( regulation and development ) Act, 2016. (Acts)

Real estate sector is highly unregulated where black money find its place. Major issues with real estate sector are lengthy approval process for project clearances, lack of clear land titles, diversion of funds received by the developer towards one project to more lucrative ones. Changing of layouts by the developer and legal disputes between buyers … Read more

DMPQ- The earliest efforts in Municipal administration in India were made in the British India.Justify.

The earliest efforts in Municipal administration in India were made in the Presidency Towns of Madras, Calcutta and Bombay. In 1687, an order of Court of Directors directed the formation of a Corporation of Europeans and Indian members of the city of Madras but the Corporation did not survive. Under the Regulating Act of 1773, … Read more

DMPQ-What is a heat wave and what might be the reasons for high frequency of heat waves?

India Meteorological Department (IMD) uses temperature data from surface observatories to track heat waves. IMD also uses various numerical weather prediction models to track and predict occurrence and intensity of Heat Waves. The following criteria are used for defining severity of the heat wave: When normal Tmax is less than or equal to 40°C and … Read more

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