DMPQ: Write a short note on ease of doing business rank.

The Ease of Doing Business Rank (EODB) is a measure of an economy’s position to the best regulatory practices. Though World Bank used to publish the ‘Doing Business’ reports from 2003, the ranking of economies started only from 2006. The EODB study tries to capture the experience of small and mid-sized companies in a country with their … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the factors affecting temperature distribution of Ocean water.

The following factors affect the distribution of temperature of ocean water: Latitudes The temperature of surface water decreases from equator towards the poles because the sun’s rays become more and more slanting and thus the amount of insolation decreases poleward accordingly. The temperature of surface water between 40°N and 40°S is lower than air temperature … Read more

DMPQ: Congress tilted towards socialism and communism ideology post 1930 and started bringing the issues of the peasants in front of British. But congress ministries formed during 1937 were not able to unleash radical changes. Discuss. (History)

There were certain basic constraints before the congress ministries could undertake a complete overhaul of the agrarian structure by completely abolishing zamindari.  These constraints were:   The ministries did not have adequate powers. There were inadequate financial resources as a lion’s share was appropriated by the Government of India. Strategy of class adjustments was another … Read more

DMPQ: What is Inverted duty structure ? How it has impacted Indian manufacturing over the years.

Inverted duty structure is a condition in which final good is taxed lower on its import as compared to the intermediate good used in the making of finished good.  The economic survey has pointed out that Inverted dusty structure has affected our industries a lot.     Major effect of inverted duty structure: Affect domestic … Read more

DMPQ- PRASAD scheme.

Twelve cities namely Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh), Gaya(Bihar), Dwaraka(Gujarat), Amritsar(Punjab), Ajmer(Rajasthan), Kanchipuram(Tamil Nadu), Vellankani(Tamil Nadu), Puri(Odisha), Varanasi(Uttar Prasesh), Mathura(Uttar Pradesh), Kedarnath (Uttarakhand) and Kamakhya (Assam) have been identified for development under Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spirituality Augmentation Drive (PRASAD) by the Ministry of Tourism. The objective of schemes are as follows: To drive a national mission for … Read more

DMPQ-Why Indian should not be complacent for achieving a high jump on ease of doing business?

Ease of doing business is an index published by the World Bank. It is an aggregate figure that includes different parameters which define the ease of doing business in a country. It is computed by aggregating the distance to frontier scores of different economies. The distance to frontier score uses the ‘regulatory best practices’ for doing … Read more

DMPQ: Knowledge based economy has huge potential to grow with sustained rate. But there are concerns with Indian as an eligible country for knowledge based economy. Discuss.

USA is a knowledge based economy which is growing at a sustained rate. This type of economy adds more value to its available resources and hence ensure better growth.   The major concern with India in realising the potential of knowledge base economy are:   Lack of adequate funds for investing in R&D sector. Our … Read more

DMPQ: Farm loan waiver has become a populist tool. Do you think loan waiver is the ultimate solution? (Economy)

After the recent Assembly elections, the new governments in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh announced farm loan waivers. According to SBI Research, around ₹70,000 crore will be spent on farm debt waivers till May 2019.  Rising costs, drop in income and increasing incidence of indebtedness among small and marginal farmers manifested in a spate of suicides over … Read more

DMPQ- Explain why relations between the European states were so full of tensions in the early years of the twentieth century.

The dawn of the 20th century was thus a time of anxiety for the British Empire. Challenged for the first time by the commercial, naval, and colonial might of many other industrializing nations, the British reconsidered the wisdom of splendid isolation. To be sure, in the Fashoda Incident of 1898 Britain succeeded in forcing France … Read more

DMPQ- Define pollination and its types.

In order to form a zygote, male gametes in pollen grains have to fuse with egg in the ovule. This is achieved by the process called pollination. Pollination is the process of transferring pollen grains from the anther – male part of a flower, to the stigma – female part of a flower. Depending on … Read more

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