DMPQ- Write short note on following: a) GSAT-7A b) GSAT 11

1) GSAT-7A:    GSAT-7A with a lift-off mass of 2250 kg, is a geostationary satellite carrying communication transponders in Ku-band. The Satellite is built to provide communication capability to the users over the Indian region. It was launched by the GSLV-F11 launchpad.  It is ISRO’s 7th flight with indigenous upper stage cryogenic engine.  The four liquid … Read more

DMPQ: Define following term ( Envt.) a) Green Climate fund b) IPCC c) Kiagali agreement d) Global warming potential

a) Green Climate fund: It is a fund within the framework of the UNFCCC founded as a mechanism to assist developing countries in adaptation and mitigation practices to counter climate change. It was established in COP 16, held in Cancun. The GCF  is based in the Incheon, South Korea IPCC:   It is the leading … Read more

DMPQ- Point out the major components and applications of biometric system.

A biometric system is a technology which takes an individual’s physiological, behavioral, or both traits as input, analyzes it, and identifies the individual as a genuine or malicious user. Basic Components of a Biometric System Input Interface (Sensors) It is the sensing component of a biometrics system that converts human biological data into digital form. … Read more

Quick Revision- Contribution of Indian Scientist

Contribution of Indian  Scientist:   Scientist Achievement Homi Jehangir Baba Father of Indian Nuclear Programme, Carried out first nuclear test 1974, Atomic energy establishment was renamed Bhabha Atomic research centre. Venkatraman Ramakrishna Indian origin biologist cum scientist won nobel prize in 2009 in chemistry. He pioneered in the studies of the structure and function of … Read more

What are chromosomal disorders? Explain its types? Name and   explain any two types of   genetic disorders?

There are 23 pair of chromosomes in human body. When there is change in the number of the chromosomes or alteration in the structure of the chromosomes, It leads to chromosomal disorder. These orders are called syndromes. There are  two types of chromosomal disorders one is due to change in numbers. These are of two … Read more

DMPQ: Application of nanotechnology in the field of electronics and IT application. Discuss. (SCIENCE)

  Miniaturisation of the transistor size. Smaller, faster and better transistors may mean that soon your computer’s entire memory may be stored on a single tiny chip. Using magnetic random access memory (MRAM), computers will be able to “boot” almost instantly. MRAM is enabled by nanometer‐scale magnetic tunnel junctions and can quickly and effectively save … Read more

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