Make In India Start Up And Stand Up Programmes

 Make-in India – Start- up and Stand-up programmes Make-in India Make in India is the government's flagship campaign intended to boost the domestic manufacturing industry and attract foreign investors to invest into the Indian economy. The Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi first mentioned the keyphrase in his maiden Independence Day address from the … Read more

Economy Booster- Domestic capital in economic development

Domestic capital in economic development Our economic growth has been facing headwinds which is primarily cyclical in nature. The policy makers, the regulators and the system are making an honest effort to restore it. Many fiscal and monitory policies have been announced and implemented sincerely. These measures, it is expected, will bring the desired outcome. … Read more

Foreign Exchange

 Foreign exchange   Foreign exchange is the exchange of one currency for another or the conversion of one currency into another currency. Foreign exchange also refers to the global market where currencies are traded virtually around the clock. Foreign exchange transactions encompass everything from the conversion of currencies by a traveler at an … Read more

Foreign Exchange

   is the exchange of one currency for another or the conversion of one currency into another currency. also refers to the global market where currencies are traded virtually around the clock. transactions encompass everything from the conversion of currencies by a traveler at an airport kiosk to billion-dollar payments made by corporations, financial … Read more

Open University

Open University The Open University (OU) is a public distance learning and research university, and the biggest university in the UK for undergraduate education. The majority of the OU’s undergraduate students are based in the United Kingdom and principally study off-campus; many of its courses (both undergraduate and postgraduate) can also be studied anywhere in … Read more

Food Security Scheme

 After the rural job guarantee programme, the government is now focusing on an ambitious National Food Security Act aimed at drawing more people into the food security net. It has made a strong pitch for providing 35 kg of cereal at Rs 3 per kg every month to the poor of this country. The … Read more

Falling Rupee Value

 Falling Rupee Value Exchange rate is the price of foreign currency (USD, Yen, Euro, Pound etc) in terms of domestic currency (rupee) i.e. amount of domestic currency needed to buy one unit of foreign currency. Currently price of 1$ = 53.74, which means 1$ can be purchased in exchange of 54. Exchange rate … Read more

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