DMPQ- Mention the structure of Panchayat Samiti.

The Panchayat Samiti generally consists of- About twenty members elected by and from the Panches of all the Panchayats falling in the block area; Two women members and one member each from the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to be co- opted, provided they do not get adequate representation otherwise; Two local persons possessing experience … Read more

DMPQ- Autonomous functioning of CAG is an important part to keep our democracy vibrant. Discuss the provisions provided in the constitution to have free functioning of CAG.

Comptroller and Auditor general is a constitutional body sanctioned by article 148 of the constitution. Its work is to audit the expenditure incurred by government of India, Government of state from consolidated fund of India, Contingency fund of India, Public accounts of India. Its function is to prepare audit reports on appropriation, finance and public … Read more

DMPQ: What is a National political party. Enumerate the criteria for according the status of National political party.

The National People’s Party (NPP) has been recognised as the eighth national party by the Election Commission of India, making it the first regional party of the north-east to be accorded the status. The Election Commission registers political parties for the purpose of elections and grants them recognition as national or state parties on the … Read more

DMPQ- Evaluate the centre State Relations During Emergencies

Under President’s Rule: The State Governments cannot ignore the directions of the Union Government, otherwise the President can take the action against the Government of the State stating that the administration cannot be carried on the accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and thus can impose President’s rule on the State. In such an … Read more

DMPQ- Critically evaluate the role played by planning commission and mention the reasons why government eradicated it.

There are two basic pillars of the argument against planning commission – first, the institution is not a fit in the liberalized environment where market calls the shots and second, it has long  played a role of distorting the true federal nature of Indian polity. Planning Commission is more  than 60 years old – modeled … Read more

Independence of judiciary is must for healthy democracy. Discuss the provisions   to maintain an independent judiciary.

Judiciary independence is must to maintain a healthy democracy. It keeps a check on the power of legislature and executive. But in the process the power to check shall not be diluted. our constitution makers and evolving judicial interpretation has helped to maintain the autonomy and independence of judiciary. Following are the provisions to maintain … Read more

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