DMPQ- “Transition to statehood of Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh was smooth, it was not so in case of Nagaland and Mizoram.” Elucidate.

Naga areas were totally isolated during British rule and after Independence, government of India sought to integrate them, but they opposed in favor of a separate independent state under leadership of A Phizo and British officers and missionaries support. In 1955, a violent campaign was launched by Nagas and they declared independence from Assam and … Read more

DMPQ- Liberty as conceived by the preamble or the fundamental rights is not completely absolute but qualified. Comment

The balance between individual liberty and larger social interests has been achieved in the Constitution by putting ‘reasonable restrictions’ on the exercise of this right for certain purposes viz.: `              • In case of freedom of speech and expression, State can impose reasonable restrictions on the grounds of sovereignty and integrity of India, security of … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the concept of judicial review. How does supreme court’s effect functioning of government through judicial review.

Judicial review is the power of the Supreme Court to examine the constitutionality of legislative enactments and executive orders of both the Central and state governments. On examination, if they are found to be violative of the Constitution (ultra-vires), they can be declared as illegal, unconstitutional and invalid (null and void) by the Supreme Court. … Read more

DMPQ- Simultaneous Elections can prevent India from continuous hangover of Electioneering. Do you agree with the statement.

Simultaneous elections has been recommended by current Prime minister. The simultaneous elections was the phenomenon till 1967. But later on the system was diluted due to rise of regional parties and coalition governments coming and succeeding. This was the natural by product of our representative and diverse democracy. Benefits of Simultaneous election: Safeguard from massive … Read more

DMPQ- Give an account on the ideas of Ambedkar. Do you think they are still relevant?

Ambedkar’s main ideas thrusted upon equality, social justice and perpetual improvement of the society.  He emphasis on mitigation of evils of caste system. This idea is still relevant. As caste is one of the dividing factor in India. His idea of social justice encapsulated political, economic and social democracy. Acc. To him, political dem. Without … Read more

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