DMPQ- What are the recent initiatives and Mission mode Projects for E-Governance?

§  UID The unique identification project was conceived as an initiative that would provide identification for each resident across the country and would be used primarily as the basis for efficient delivery of welfare services. It would also act as a tool for effective monitoring of various programs and schemes of the government.   e-Governance … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the significance of fundamental duties in the constitution of India.

In spite of criticisms and opposition, the fundamental duties are considered significant from the following viewpoints: They serve as a reminder to the citizens that while enjoying their rights, they should also be conscious of duties they owe to their country, their society and to their fellow citizens. They serve as a warning against the … Read more

DMPQ- . Point out the collective and individual privileges constitutionally given to the members of state legislature.

Collective Privileges The privileges belonging to each House of the state legislature collectively are: It has the right to publish its reports, debates and proceedings and also the right to prohibit others from publishing the same It can exclude strangers from its proceedings and hold secret sittings to discuss some important matters. It can make … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on National Legal service authority and its advantage?

The National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) has been constituted under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 to provide free Legal Services to the weaker sections of the society and to organize Lok Adalats for amicable settlement of disputes.   Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sharad Arvind Bobde, The Chief Justice of India is the Patron-in-Chief and Hon’ble … Read more

DMPQ- Special status is accorded to Nagaland under article 371A. What are the different provisions of the article?

Act of parliament relating to following matters would not apply to Nagaland unless state assembly so decides:  Religious & social practices of Nagas  Nagas customary law & procedure  Administration of civil or criminal justice involving decisions according to Naga customary law  Ownership & transfer of land & its resources Special responsibility … Read more


One of the key components of the National Rural Health Mission is to provide every village in the country with a trained female community health activist ASHA or Accredited Social Health Activist. Selected from the village itself and accountable to it, the ASHA will be trained to work as an interface between the community and … Read more

DMPQ- Enumerate the reason for low participation of women in Police and armed forces.

Despite containing 50% of the population, only 10-12% of the workforce is filled by women. According to home ministry guidelines atleast 3 women sub Inspector has to be there at Police station. No state meets this criteria. It shows very poor presentation of women at Police force. The reasons for the low participation: Frequent inter … Read more

DMPQ: Independence, impartiality and fearlessness of judges are not private rights of judges but citizen’s rights. Ultimately judicial legitimacy/ power rests on people’s confidence in courts. In this context discuss the concerns with the collegium system. (POLITY)

The process for the appointment of judges lies at the heart of an independent judiciary. The Second Judges’ case of 1993 led to the formation of a collegium of high-ranking judges which has since then identifying persons for appointment to the SC and high courts. While the collegium began with a desire for judicial independence, the recent … Read more

DMPQ- Mention the activities of charitable organizations in India.

Some form of activities of charitable organizations include: Advocacy – Charitable organisations working on advocacy or campaigning on issues or causes and they do not implement programs. Consultancy / Research Organizations – Charitable organisation working on social and development research as well as consultancy. Training / Capacity Building Organizations – Charitable organisation helping other charity … Read more

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