“Tribal” is the word used in India to refer to inhabitants known elsewhere as “indigenous”. British ethnographers classified tribal as “animists”. As per the National Census, they are classified as “aboriginals” and listed according to the tribe. The Hindi word for tribal is adivasi, meaning “ancient inhabitants. Chhattisgarh, the “rice bowl” of India is famed … Read more

History of Chattisgarh

History of Chattisgarh from Vedic Age to Gupta Period In ancient times, Chattisgarh was known as Dakshina Kosala. Chattisgarh area also finds mention in Ramayana and Mahabharata. Between the sixth and twelfth centuries, Sharabhpurias, Panduavanshi, Somavanshi, Kalachuri and Nagavanshi rulers conquered Chattisgarh region. The Bastar region of Chhattisgarh was invaded by Rajendra Chola I and … Read more

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