Chhattisgarh Problems in agriculture and schemes

Chhattisgarh Problems in agriculture and schemes

The structural transformation the changing sectoral shares of the economy in Chhattisgarh state, the economic activities have been shown structural changes over a period of time and primary sector is experiencing a increased in terms of share in Gross State Domestic Products (GSDP) and Net State Domestic Product (NSDP). The sector-wise distribution of GSDP and NSDP in Chhattisgarh state at constant rate (2004-05) along with percentage distribution.

The primary sector was found to be increased by 10.88% i.e. from Rs. 1836872 lakh (2006-07) to Rs. 2036746 lakh (2009-10). In this sector fishing (22.13%) industries increased with faster rate as compared to mining (18.48%), agriculture (6.06%) and forestry (5.81%). The secondary sector was found to be increased by 19.42% i.e. from Rs. 2069351 lakh (2006-07) to Rs. 2471163 lakh (2009-10). In this sector electricity, gas & water supply (123.75%) changes with faster rate followed by construction (19.50%) and manufacturing (2.85%). The tertiary sector was found to increased by 34.44% i.e. from Rs. 1953594 lakh (2006-07) to Rs. 2626353 lakh (2009-10). In this sector contribution in transportation, communication & storage (37.23%) found to be change with faster rate as compared to banking industries & real-estate ownership dwelling (33.16%), trade hotel & restaurants (29.29%). In this period per capita income at constant rate increased by 15.29 % from Rs. 25258 (2006-07) to 28623 (2009-10).

The growth of area, production and yield of food grains, total cereals, total pulses and total oil seeds of Chhattisgarh in different five year plans has been analyzed and found that the growth of area found to be positive in all the plan periods except pulses in 9th plan (-1.85% per annum) and 11th plan (-1.99% per annum), total oilseed in 9th plan (-7.92% per annum) and 11 th plan (-0.40% per annum), total food grains in 9 th  plan (-0.22% per annum) and 11th  plan (- 0.32% per annum). The growth of production was also found positive in all the plan periods, except total pulses in 9 th plan (-2.33% per annum) and in 11th plan (-3.10% per annum), oilseeds in 9th  plan (-6.73% per annum). The productivity of all major crops were also found positive in all plans except cereals in 11th  plan (-5.42% per annum), pulses in 9th  plan (-11.25% per annum) and in 11th  plan (-4.01% per annum).

Agriculture growth in any region can accrue because of growth in crop output, diversification of agriculture towards high value crops and live stock product and increase in value of the given output. Examining all these three aspects of agriculture growth in agriculture it is observed that the overall growth of agriculture production and productivity of the major crop in Chhattisgarh is quite impressive from 10th five year plan. The implementation of National Food Security Mission and National Horticulture Mission has also emerged as a path of intervention which helps in agriculture diversification towards cash crops in the state.


  • Chhattisgarh has no assured year – round irrigation facilities, whereas assured irrigation is a must for adopting modern recommended practices of crop production. We cannot think of adopting modern technology in agriculture without assured irrigation. Though, research on wide scale is going on dry farming also, but achievements are very limited Japan has intensive network of canals. In Punjab also the same thing is there. But in Chhattisgarh, here and there only canals have water only during rainy season; a meagre facility.
  • Second need is of regional research in agriculture. It is not like physics and chemistry whose research findings are applicable globally. In agriculture, researches done in Punjab and Kerala and technologies recommended for those regions may not be followed in Chhattisgarh. Even outcome of researches done in Jabalpur region may not suit for Chhattisgarh. Since soil and climatic change take place in different ways from region to region, crops and their cultivation technologies also differ. Even, in the same state of M.P., Gwalior, Jabalpur, Raipur and Bastar regions differ from soil and climate point of view. Generally, technologies developed at Jabalpur are also recommended for Chhattisgarh, which is totally impractical. J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur recommended for yellow soybean but it was a total failure for Chhattisgarh.



Shakambari yojana

Farmers of the area did not get the facility of irrigation, then the rain water was all dependent on rain water. Bare barely got the kharif crop. There were no dams around. By taking a single crop throughout the year, the family could get enough food for rice, but it was not possible to get financially viable to meet the other needs of the family. The farmers of the village were cultivating somehow, struggling with all the difficulties. In the meantime, in 2015, about 50 farmers were given submersible pumps for irrigation under the Shakhambari scheme by the Agriculture Department. Since then the changes in the situation of the farmers of the area started to change. Farmers of the area were not too prosperous to personally get access to irrigation. The pond of the village started drying in the summer, so there was no such solution that there was enough water to get the paddy crop. Rain was the only water, in which the farming and livelihood of the farmers was going on. There is a canal, but there was no special benefit from it.

krishak jeevan jyoti yojana

Chhattisgarh cabinet hasd approved CG Sahaj Bijli Bill Scheme 2018 for farmers under Krishak Jeevan Jyoti Yojana (KJJS) on 31 July 2018. Now all the farmers in any category of irrigation pumps will possess flat rate facility in their billing. Only the number of pumps will be taken into consideration rather than the capacity and consumption.

KJJS expansion is going to provide a huge relief to farmers. On the basis of choice of farmers, capacity and number of pumps would serve as the base for power supply according to the given flat rates. Flat Power Supply rates are now fixed by the state government to ensure that there is no misguidance for the farmers.

Saur sujala yojna

Saur Sujala Yojana is a new yojana launched by state government in Chhattisgarh for farmers. Under this Chhattisgarh Yojana, the state government would give solar powered irrigation pumps to Chhatisgarh farmers.  The main aim for the Saur Sujala Yojana is to assist farmers by providing them solar irrigation pumps at subsidized prices. This Chhattisgarh Yojana is also aimed at strengthen the agriculture in rural development of Chhattisgarh.  Selection of the beneficiaries under this Chhattisgarh Yojana will be done by the agriculture department of the Chhattisgarh government. The farmers who have already been assisted under the borewell or pump scheme will also be eligible for this scheme.



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