02.06.23 Daily [Chhattisgarh] CGPSC Current Affairs

Chhattisgarh Affairs

Doorstep health facility launched in Cgarh

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel launched a new initiative aimed at providing medical facilities through telemedicine even in remote villages.

The “Doctor Tumcho Dwaar” was initiated at a programme held in Bedma village in Bastar regions Kondagaon district.

At present, the pilot project aims to provide the medical facilities in Baderajpur and Farasgaon development blocks where accessibility is a challenge.

A dedicated 24-hour call centre will be established to provide comprehensive Health support.

When a call is received, a team of doctors, ANMs and other staff members will be alerted. Doctors will offer tele-consultations and guidance, engaging in discussions with patients and their families regarding their health concerns.

In case of critically ill patients who require immediate treatment, doctors and their teams will visit their homes in a well-equipped vehicle to provide necessary medical care.

The Chief Minister’s Haat Bazaar Clinic scheme, designed to offer healthcare Services in remote areas, is also being successfully implemented in the district.

With the latest scheme’s success, it will be expanded to other development blocks as well.

National and International Affairs

PM SVANidhi Scheme Celebrates Successful Completion of 3 Years

The Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs, Hardeep Singh Puri, recently praised thePrime Minister Street Vendors AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi) Schemeon its momentous completion of three years. The scheme, launched in June 2020, aimed to empower street vendors by restoring self-EMPLOYMENT, self-sustenance, and self-confidence. Over the years, PM SVANidhi has emerged as one of the most beneficial and rapidly growing micro-credit schemes in India, fostering , digital Literacy, and offering dignity and stability to street vendors.

The Prime Minister Street Vendors AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi) Scheme is a special micro-credit facility aimed at providing affordable loans to street vendors in India. Launched with the objective of empowering street vendors and promoting their self-sufficiency, the scheme offers loans of up to 10,000 to over 50 lakh street vendors

Telangana Formation Day,observed annually onJune 2nd since 2014,is a state public holiday in Telangana, India. It marks the commemoration of the formation of the state of Telangana. The day is celebrated with various activities such as parades, cultural programs, and speeches. It is also an occasion to honor the sacrifices made by those who fought for the establishment of Telangana.

The creation of was a complex and lengthy process. The demand for a separate Telangana state emerged in the early 1960s, eventually leading to the passing of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act in 2009. This act paved the way for the formation of Telangana. Since its establishment, Telangana has experienced positive developments, including increased Investment and Growth. The state has also witnessed improvements in POVERTY reduction and EMPLOYMENT opportunities.

Telangana Formation Day serves as a moment of celebration for the states accomplishments and an optimistic outlook for its future. It signifies the progress and prosperity that Telangana has achieved as an individual state.

Unified Payment Interface (UPI) transactionsin India soared to unprecedented levels in May 2023, with a total transaction value of Rs 14.3 trillion and a volume of 9.41 billion. This represents a 2% increase in value and a 6% increase in volume compared to the previous month of April. The surge in UPI transactions comes at a time when the Indian government is actively promoting digital payments and aims to bring various tax collections under the digital payment ecosystem.

In May, UPI transactions experienced remarkable Growth, with a value of Rs 14.3 trillion and a volume of 9.41 billion. The transaction volume witnessed a staggering 58% increase compared to the same period in the previous financial year, while the transaction value rose by an impressive 37%. These numbers highlight the growing acceptance and adoption of UPI as a preferred mode of payment in India.

In a setback forNorth Koreasspace ambitions, the countrys first attempt at launching a military spy satellite ended in failure. South Koreas military confirmed that wreckage from the carrier rocket was found in its western waters, indicating a failed launch.

Abnormalities and Low Reliability Cited as Causes

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