12.06.21 Daily [Chhattisgarh] CGPSC Current Affairs

Chhattisgarh Affairs

Chhattisgarh: FICCI urges to implement pre-emption right of iron ore for state-based end plants

Chhattisgarh-based sponge and steel industries are facing acute shortage of iron Ore, the Federation of Indian Chambers Of Commerce and Industries (FICCI) Chhattisgarh said urging the to implement pre-emption or first right of the iron ore for state based end Plants.

Chhattisgarh based plants are at a competitive disadvantage being situated in hinterland areas, with muted demand for finished steel and iron products compared to other states likePunjab, Uttar Pradesh,Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, and West Bengal.

FICCI has urged the state government to pro-actively implement pre-emption of iron ore for State based end-use plants who are solely dependent on MMDC for meeting their iron ore requirement. The Industry body has asked states to consider the issues of improving the production in state based iron ore mines so that they consistently achieve rated capacity and endeavor to first fulfill the iron requirement of state based plants before allowing merchant miners such as NMDC to engage in outside state exports.

National and International Affairs

Aspirational Districts Programme – UNDP

The Aspirational Districts Programme was lauded in a UNDP report.


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) lauded India’s Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP) in the report, saying it should serve as a model for several other countries where regional disparities in development status persist for a variety of reasons.

According to the report, previously neglected districts, including those in remote locations and those affected by Left Wing Extremism, have experienced more Growth and development in the last three years than ever before as a result of concerted efforts under the ADP.

The Supreme Court has issued the Draft Model Rules for Court proceeding’s Live-Streaming and Recording. The Rules are part of the National Policy and Action Plan for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Implementation in the Judiciary.In Swapnil Tripathi v Supreme Court of India (2018), the Supreme Court ruled in favour of live-streaming the proceedings at the apex court. It determined that live streaming proceedings are part of the right to access guaranteed by Article 21.

Except for cases involving matrimonial disputes, gender-based violence, or minors, all proceedings in high courts can be televised.

Aerosol Pollution Urban Areas of India

Aerosol particles smaller than 3 nanometers can reach a size with Climate influence and are often formed in urban areas of India.


Scientists tracked the concentration, size and evolution of aerosol particles smaller than 3 nanometers in a city in India, and found that sub-3 nanometer aerosol particles are often formed in the .

This is critical because a significant proportion of these newly formed particles can reach the sizes of cloud condensation nuclei, where they have climatic consequences.

Aerosol nucleation refers to the formation of small molecular clusters of less than 3nm in size, and atmospheric new particle formation (NPF) refers to the subsequent Growth of these newly formed clusters to larger sizes.

Solar PLI Scheme IREDA

The IREDA has requested bids for a Rs. 4500 crore Solar PLI scheme.


The Indian Development Agency Ltd. (IREDA) has been designated as the scheme’s implementing agency by the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE).

The applicants must establish either a brownfield or a greenfield manufacturing facility for the entire capacity allotted under the scheme. Under the scheme, applicants are not permitted to build a facility that is both brownfield and greenfield.

As the domestic Industry has limited operational capacities of solar PV cells and modules, solar capacity addition currently relies heavily on imported solar PV cells and modules.

QS World University Rankings Released

Three Indian institutes are ranked among the top 200 in the QS World University Rankings 2022.

According to these rankings, IISc Bengaluru is ranked first in the world for research. The institute was ranked 186th in the universities ranking.

IIT Bombay was ranked 177th, while IIT Delhi was ranked 185th.

The QS World University Rankings is a university ranking published annually by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS).

Quacquarelli Symonds is a British firm that specialises in higher Education analysis higher education institutions.

World Day against Child Labour is on 12th June

World Day Against Child Labour is determined globally on twelfth June each year. By the ILO (International Labour Organization), there are about 152 million teenagers globally who are engaged in child labour, seventy-two millions of whom are in hazardous work.

The day Against Child Labour focuses on action taken for the 2021 International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour. The theme of this years World Day Against Child Labour is Act now: End child labour! It is the first World Day in view that the popular ratification of the ILOs Convention No. 182 on the bad Forms of Child Labour & takes vicinity at a time when the COVID-19 disaster threatens to reverse years of progress in tackling the problem.

The International Labour Organization (ILO) launched the World Day Against Child Labour in 2002 to focal point attention on the worldwide extent of youngster labour and consequently the motion and efforts wished to cast off it.

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