Write any Chhattisgarh idiom and its meaning.

Points to Remember: Chhattisgarhi idioms are concise expressions unique to the Chhattisgarhi language. They often use imagery and metaphors to convey deeper meanings. Understanding their cultural context is crucial for accurate interpretation. Introduction: Chhattisgarh, a state in central India, boasts a rich cultural heritage reflected in its distinct language, Chhattisgarhi. Like any language, Chhattisgarhi employs … Read more

Mention the names of special primitive tribal agencies in Chhattisgarh.

Points to Remember: Chhattisgarh has several Special Primitive Tribal Agencies (SPTAs) dedicated to the welfare and development of particularly vulnerable tribal groups. These agencies operate under the Integrated Tribal Development Programme (ITDP). The specific names of SPTAs can vary depending on administrative changes and official classifications. Information may be dispersed across government websites and reports. … Read more

What is Sororate?

Points to Remember: Definition and historical context of sororate marriage. Cultural variations and prevalence. Legal and social implications. Ethical considerations and human rights perspectives. Modern relevance and declining practice. Introduction: Sororate, derived from the Latin word “soror” meaning “sister,” refers to a customary marriage practice where, upon the death of a wife, her sister (or … Read more

What is a Primitive Tribe? Which are the primitive tribes of Chhattisgarh?

Points to Remember: Definition of “primitive tribe” and its problematic nature. Understanding the term’s historical context and evolving usage. Identification of Scheduled Tribes in Chhattisgarh. Avoiding perpetuation of stereotypes and derogatory terms. Emphasizing cultural diversity and respect for indigenous communities. Introduction: The term “primitive tribe” is outdated and inherently problematic. It carries colonial baggage, implying … Read more

What is the traditional profession of the Agaria Tribe?

Points to Remember: The Agaria tribe’s traditional profession is primarily linked to iron smelting and related activities. Their skills and knowledge have been passed down through generations. Modernization and industrialization have significantly impacted their traditional profession. There is a need for preserving and promoting their traditional skills while ensuring their socio-economic upliftment. Introduction: The Agaria … Read more

Explain the concept of a Primary Group.

Points to Remember: Primary groups are characterized by close, intimate, and personal relationships. They are crucial for socialization and personal development. Membership is typically involuntary and long-lasting. They exert strong influence on individual behavior and values. Examples include family, close friends, and peer groups. Introduction: The concept of a “primary group” is central to sociology, … Read more

Distinguish between Folkways and Mores.

Points to Remember: Folkways are informal norms that guide everyday behavior. Violation results in mild social disapproval. Mores are norms that are considered essential for the well-being of society. Violation results in strong social disapproval and may involve formal sanctions. Both folkways and mores are unwritten rules that govern social behavior. The distinction lies in … Read more

Describe the bases of Social Inequality.

Points to Remember: Social stratification and its various dimensions (economic, social, political). The role of historical, social, and economic factors in creating and perpetuating inequality. Intersections of different forms of inequality (e.g., gender, race, class). The impact of social inequality on individuals and society. Potential solutions and policy interventions. Introduction: Social inequality refers to the … Read more

Depict the main objectives of Social Research.

Points to Remember: Understanding the nature of social phenomena. Explaining social patterns and behaviors. Predicting future social trends. Improving social conditions and policies. Contributing to social theory development. Introduction: Social research is a systematic investigation of social phenomena, employing empirical methods to gather and analyze data. It aims to understand, explain, and predict social behavior, … Read more

State the meaning of the term ‘Darshan’ in the Indian context.

Points to Remember: Darshan’s multifaceted meaning encompassing religious, social, and cultural aspects. Its significance in Hinduism and its extension to other faiths and contexts. The evolving nature of Darshan in modern India. Introduction: The term “Darshan” (दर्शन) in the Indian context holds deep cultural and religious significance, extending beyond its literal translation. While often translated … Read more