What are the major instruments of cooperative federalism in India?

Points to Remember: Cooperative federalism in India involves the sharing of power and responsibilities between the Union and State governments. Several instruments facilitate this cooperation. These instruments are both formal (constitutional provisions, laws) and informal (inter-governmental consultations, agreements). Effective cooperative federalism is crucial for India’s development and stability. Introduction: Cooperative federalism, a system where the … Read more

On what grounds has Maslow’s theory of motivation been criticized?

Points to Remember: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Criticisms of the Hierarchy Empirical Evidence Cultural Variations Alternative Theories Introduction: Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a widely recognized theory of human motivation, proposing that individuals are motivated by a hierarchy of five needs: physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. These needs are arranged in a hierarchical … Read more

What 11 demands did Mahatma Gandhi put before Viceroy Lord Irwin before launching the Civil Disobedience Movement?

Points to Remember: Eleven Demands of Gandhi’s 11-Point Programme preceding the Civil Disobedience Movement. Introduction: The Civil Disobedience Movement, launched by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930, was a pivotal moment in India’s struggle for independence. Before initiating this mass movement, Gandhi presented a list of eleven demands to the Viceroy, Lord Irwin, in a letter dated … Read more

Describe the nature and character of the 1857 Revolt.

Points to Remember: The 1857 Revolt was a widespread rebellion against British rule in India. It was triggered by a variety of factors, including religious grievances, economic exploitation, and resentment of British policies. The revolt was characterized by both widespread popular participation and limitations in organization and leadership. Its legacy continues to shape Indian national … Read more

Trace the conquest of Chhattisgarh by Samudragupta with evidence.

Points to Remember: Samudragupta’s conquests in the south Evidence from the Allahabad Prasasti Nature of Samudragupta’s rule Limitations of the evidence Introduction: The question requires a factual and analytical approach to trace Samudragupta’s conquest of Chhattisgarh, relying primarily on historical evidence. Samudragupta (c. 335-380 CE), the Gupta emperor, is renowned for his extensive military campaigns … Read more

Give an account of Mahatma Gandhi’s second visit to Chhattisgarh.

Points to Remember: Date and purpose of the visit. Key interactions and events during the visit. Gandhi’s observations and impact on Chhattisgarh. The socio-political context of the visit. Introduction: Mahatma Gandhi’s visits to various parts of India played a crucial role in shaping the Indian freedom struggle. While his first visit to Chhattisgarh (then part … Read more

“The Nehru Report is an authentic expression of nationalism in Indian political history.” Explain.

Points to Remember: The Nehru Report’s content and proposals. Its impact on the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League. Its strengths and weaknesses as a reflection of Indian nationalism. The context of its creation – the prevailing political climate and demands. Introduction: The Nehru Report, officially titled the “Report of the Committee Appointed by … Read more

Write a note on the progress of science during the Gupta period.

Points to Remember: Significant advancements in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and other sciences. Contributions of key figures like Aryabhata, Varahamihira, and Sushruta. Influence of Gupta science on later periods and other cultures. Limitations and gaps in the available knowledge. Introduction: The Gupta Empire (c. 320-550 CE) is often considered a “Golden Age” of India, marked by … Read more

Explain the nature of comparative public administration.

Points to Remember: Comparative Public Administration (CPA) focuses on similarities and differences in administrative systems across countries. It uses various methodologies to analyze administrative structures, processes, and outcomes. CPA helps understand the impact of political, economic, and social contexts on public administration. It informs policymaking and administrative reforms by offering lessons learned from other countries. … Read more

What are the methods of legislative control over administration?

Points to Remember: Legislative Supremacy Question Hour Committees Budgetary Control Power of Investigation Power of Legislation Introduction: Legislative control over the administration is a cornerstone of democratic governance. It ensures accountability and prevents the executive branch from becoming too powerful. This control is exercised through various mechanisms designed to scrutinize administrative actions, policies, and spending. … Read more