Explain the nature of Sociology.

Points to Remember: Sociology is the scientific study of society, social institutions, and social relationships. It employs various methods to understand social phenomena, including quantitative and qualitative research. Sociological perspectives offer diverse interpretations of social issues and their solutions. The discipline is crucial for understanding social change and promoting social justice. Introduction: Sociology, derived from … Read more

Explain the concept of Purushartha.

Points to Remember: Purushartha are the four aims or goals of human life in Hindu philosophy. These aims are Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kama (pleasure), and Moksha (liberation). Achieving a balance between these four is crucial for a fulfilling life. The relative importance of each Purushartha can vary depending on individual circumstances and stages of … Read more

Differentiate between Primary and Secondary Groups.

Points to Remember: Primary groups are characterized by close, intimate relationships. Secondary groups are characterized by impersonal, goal-oriented relationships. The distinction isn’t always absolute; groups can exhibit characteristics of both. Introduction: Understanding the difference between primary and secondary groups is crucial in sociology. These terms, coined by Charles Horton Cooley, describe fundamental distinctions in human … Read more

What is the meaning of Upanishad?

Points to Remember: Upanishads are ancient Indian philosophical texts. They explore the nature of reality, consciousness, and the self. They are considered a part of the Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy. Key concepts include Brahman, Atman, and Moksha. Introduction: The word “Upanishad” (उपनिषद्) itself is derived from the Sanskrit roots upa (near), ni (down), and … Read more

Explain the idea of “Religious Tolerance”.

Points to Remember: Religious tolerance encompasses respect for all religions and beliefs, including the right to practice one’s faith freely or to hold no religious belief at all. It necessitates understanding, acceptance, and peaceful coexistence among diverse religious communities. Legal frameworks and social norms play crucial roles in fostering or hindering religious tolerance. Challenges to … Read more

Give a short description of Nastik Darshan.

Points to Remember: Nastik schools of thought in Indian philosophy. Key characteristics of Nastika philosophies. Major Nastika schools: Charvaka, Buddhism, Jainism, Ajivika. Differences from Astika schools. Introduction: Indian philosophy is broadly categorized into Astika (orthodox) and Nastika (heterodox) schools of thought. While Astika schools accept the authority of the Vedas, Nastika schools reject or question … Read more

Write “Kanad’s” definition of “Dharma”.

Points to Remember: Kanad’s definition of Dharma is rooted in his philosophical system of Vaisheshika. It emphasizes the inherent nature of substances and their actions. It’s a concept distinct from the later, more ethical interpretations of Dharma. Introduction: Kanad (also known as Kashyapa), the founder of the Vaisheshika school of Indian philosophy, did not define … Read more