Animal husbandry

Chhattisgarh is rich in livestock wealth. Livestock sector contributes about 23 percent to the value of agricultural sector output. A majority of the rural households possesses one or another species of livestock. The distribution of livestock holdings is more equitable as compared to land, indicating that the poor have more opportunities in livestock production than … Read more

Energy Resources of Chattisgarh

  Chattisgarh is rich in energy resources. Coal is the major source of Energy in Chattisgarh. Apart from Coal Thermal power, Hydro power, geothermal power and Renewable source constitutes the Energy Resource of Chattisgarh. Coal The state has 16% of the total coal deposits of India. 44483 million tonnes coal has been estimated in 12 … Read more


  Census gives us the idea of the population and its structure. In this way it becomes important and useful in policy formation and implementation. Below are the data of the last two censuses which gives us brief overview of the population structure of the Chhattisgarh.   Description 2011 2001 Actual Population 25,545,198 20,833,803 Male … Read more

Chhattisgarh: Power

    Chhattisgarh is poised to become the power hub of India. Installed capacity is 5624 MW. The abundant availability of coal ensures constant supply of raw material for future thermal power projects . Chhattisgarh Government actively assists private power producers to set up power projects in the state. State Government has created the Renewable … Read more


  “Tribal” is the word used in India to refer to inhabitants known elsewhere as “indigenous”. British ethnographers classified tribal as “animists”. As per the National Census, they are classified as “aboriginals” and listed according to the tribe. The Hindi word for tribal is adivasi, meaning “ancient inhabitants. Chhattisgarh, the “rice bowl” of India is famed … Read more


    Rivers of Chhattisgarh adorn the Indian state and shapes the affluence of the region. The rivers of Chhattisgarh are of much significance to the state from a stand point of economic, social, political and religious views. Chhattisgarh, situated amidst lush green hills and plateaus, is interspersed with several rivers that flow through the state. … Read more

Rivers and Drainage system of Chhattisgarh

Rivers and Drainage system of Chhattisgarh:-   The rivers of Chhattisgarh are of much signifance to the state from a stand point of economic, social, political and religious views. The State of Chhattisgarh is divided in to five river basins. Mahanadi Basin drains out 75,858.45 Sq km, Godavari Basin drains out 38,694.02 Sq km, Ganga … Read more

Chattisgarh Forests and Vegetation

Chattisgarh Forests and Vegetation–The state of Chhattisgarh being placed in Deccan bio-geographical Area, houses an important part of that rich and unique biological diversity. What is a more conspicuous is that the state is significantly rich in endemism with respect to many plants having medicinal importance. Biogeographically, the state falls in Deccan bio-region comprising representative … Read more

Chhattisgarh: Horticulture

  Horticulture: Horticulture is a branch of agriculture. It deals with the art, science, technology, and business of growing plants. It includes the cultivation of medicinal plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, sprouts, mushrooms, algae, flowers, seaweeds and non-food crops which includes grass and ornamental trees and plants.   From the below 5 categories we can derive the importance of horticulture in Chhattisgarh. Fruit Crops – The major fruit crops grown in … Read more


  Agriculture is counted as the chief economic occupation of the Chattisgarh. According to a government estimate, net sown area of the state is 4.828 million hectares and the gross sown area is 5.788 million hectare. Horticulture and animal husbandry also engage a major share of the total population of the state. About 80% of … Read more

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