District Development and Monitoring Committee (DISHA) is being formed with a view to fulfill the objective of ensuring better coordination among all the elected representatives in Parliament, State Legislatures and Local Governments (Panchayati Raj Institutions/Municipal Bodies) for efficient and time-bound development of districts in our country. DISHA is an effort to improve development coordination and … Read more

DMPQ: What do you understand by decentralized planning?

Decentralized Planning is a type of planning where local organisations and institutions formulate, adopt, execute actions and supervise the plan without interference by the central body. Decentralized planning in the State operated mainly through the following institutions and instruments; Grama Sabha (GS): People’s participation in decentralization was sought to be ensured mainly through meetings of … Read more


  MONETARY POLICY TOOL:   There are several direct and indirect instruments that are used for implementing monetary policy. Repo Rate: The (fixed) interest rate at which the Reserve Bank provides overnight liquidity to banks against the collateral of government and other approved securities under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF). Reverse Repo Rate: The (fixed) … Read more

DMPQ- Mission Karmayogi will ensure the establishment of welfare state in India. Justify

NPCSCB has been carefully designed to lay the foundations for capacity building for Civil Servants so that they remain entrenched in Indian Culture and sensibilities and remain connected, with their roots, while they learn from the best institutions and practices across the world. The Programme will be delivered by setting up an Integrated Government Online … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the concept of capital account convertibility. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of full capital account convertibility.

. Capital Account Convertibility is a feature of a nation’s financial  regime that centers on the ability to conduct transactions of local financial assets (money, stocks, bonds,  real estate, FDI, FII, account receivable, inventory etc) into foreign financial assets freely and at market  determined exchange rates. In layman’s terms, full capital account convertibility allows local … Read more

DMPQ- What is National Agricultural Market (NAM)?

The National Agriculture Market is envisaged as a pan-India electronic trading portal which seeks to network the existing APMCs and other market yards to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities. NAM is a “virtual” market but it has a physical market (mandi) at the back end. NAM is proposed to be achieved through … Read more

DMPQ: What is Industrial revolution 4.0? Major components of IR 4.0? What are the advantages for India?

The fourth industrial revolution is a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work and relate to one another. The 4threvolution will be characterized by the advent of cyber-physical systems which, while being reliant on the technologies and infrastructure of the third industrial revolution, represent entirely new ways in which technology becomes … Read more

DMPQ- Mention the various Non-Tax revenue of Government.

Non-Tax Revenue: Interest Receipts: This largest non-tax source of Central Government’s revenue receipts is the interest it earns mainly on the loans it has advanced to State Governments, to financial and industrial enterprises in the public sector. Surplus Profits of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI): The surplus profits of the RBI is also a … Read more