DMPQ: What do you mean by Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) ?

The Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) are rules that apply to the domestic regulations a country applies to foreign investors, often as part of an industrial policy. The agreement, concluded in 1994, was negotiated under the WTO’s predecessor, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and came into force in 1995. The agreement … Read more

DMPQ: What are the opportunities and challenges confronting the Indian small scale industrial sector in the era of globalization

The development of small scale industrial sector has been one of the major planks of India‟s economic development strategy since independence. India accorded high priority to this sector from the very beginning and pursued support policies to make these enterprises viable and vibrant. Despite numerous protection and policy measures for the past so many years … Read more

DMPQ- Privatisation of Indian Railways has its own merits and demerits. Comment

Positives:   Introduction of modern technology. The improvement in technology will also mean that coaches that now require maintenance after running 4,000 km will need maintenance after every 40,000 km, which translates to either once or twice a month. Reduction in journey time comparable to operation by Indian railways due to technology introduce by private … Read more

DMPQ- Why there is a reluctance on the part of Indian authorities to let the Yes Bank fail even though it is a Private Bank ?

Recently a moratorium was put on withdrawal limit upto 50,000 by RBI circular. This lead to panic among the YES bank consumers which led to fall in the share price. RBi came up with restructuring scheme. SBI will invest in 49% stake and other private investors have also invested in the bank. Even though the … Read more

DMPQ:Financial inclusion is a significant aspect with respect to our economy. What is the significance of Financial Inclusion? What are the measures taken for Financial Inclusion?

Financial inclusion has been recognised as a key building block which will form the foundation for achieving several of UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.  As a construct, it provides much more than access to financial services.  In a country like India, till a few years ago, a bank account was a source of pride.  If properly … Read more

DMPQ- . Throw light on the implications of rupee depreciation on Indian economy.

. First, India’s imports comprises of essentials such as crude petroleum, machineries and  fertilizers which become expensive raising their prices facilitating ‘import’ of inflation.  India is very susceptible to a stubborn and sticky inflation. It hurts the masses in terms of  across the board higher prices. All imports become expensive including raw materials, goods and … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the main features of the National Education Policy 2020.

The fundamental principles that will guide both the education system at large, as well as the individual institutions within it are: • recognizing, identifying, and fostering the unique capabilities of each student, by sensitizing teachers as well as parents to promote each student’s holistic development in both academic and non-academic spheres; • according the highest … Read more