DMPQ: What are sedimentary rocks? What are the its different types? List down the features of sedimentary rocks.

Sedimentary or detrital rocks :   They Formed as a result of denudation (weathering and erosion).These deposits through compaction turn into rocks. This process is called lithification. Sedimentary rocks Cover 75 per cent of the earth’s crust but volumetrically occupy only 5 per cent. They are layered or stratified of varying thickness. Example: sandstone, shale etc. … Read more

DMPQ: What are ocean currents? What are the factors responsible for ocean currents.     

Ocean current are nothing but movement of volume of water in defined direction and    with an identifiable speed. These current regulate the temperature and salinity of ocean currents and also get regulated by them. Factors responsible for ocean currents: Earth rotation from west to east . It leads to North equatorial current and south equatorial … Read more

DMPQ- Oceanic land forms are not plain but possess equivalent diversity as that of Continents. Comment

There are mountains, basins, plateaus, ridges, canyons and trenches beneath the ocean water too. These relief features found on the ocean floor are called Submarine Relief. The ocean basins are broadly divided into four major subdivisions. They are; Continental Shelf: They slope seaward from coast to a point where the slope becomes very steep. This shallow submerged extension … Read more

DMPQ-What is Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). How does it effects India’s climate.

The Inter Tropical  Convergence Zone (ITCZ) or Thermal Equator is a broad trough of low pressure in  equatorial latitudes (it always remains on the north of the equator due to effect of  landmass). This is where the northeast and the southeast trade winds converge and this  is a low pressure zone. This convergence zone lies … Read more

DMPQ- What are the different Techniques of irrigation? Considering the water crisis of India which one would you consider a sustainable one.

Surface Irrigation In this method water flows and spreads over the surface of the land. Varied quantities of water are allowed on the fields at different times. Hence, flow of water under surface irrigation comes under unsteady flow. As a result it is very difficult to understand the hydraulics of surface irrigation. However, suitable and … Read more

DMPQ-Critically analyse the influence of land tenancy on Indian Agriculture.

Land tenure includes all forms of tenancy and also ownership in any form. Land tenancy and land tenure affect the agricultural operations and cropping patterns in many ways. The farmers and cultivators plan the agricultural activities and farm (fields) management keeping in mind their rights and possession duration on the land. In different communities of … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the following term: • Coal Bed methane • Gas Hydrate • Shale Gas

Coal bed methane: Coal Bed Methane (CBM) is an unconventional form of natural gas found in coal deposits or coal seams. CMB is formed during the process of coalification, the transformation of plant material into coal. It is considered a valuable energy resource with reserves and production having grown nearly every year since 1989. Varied … Read more