DMPQ- World is facing the wrath of COVID-19. Provide the effective solutions to deal with the deadly diseases.

Effective solutions are as follows: Formulation of timely strategies for epidemic Prevention. Strengthened a unified command and response. Coordinated the Prevention and control work. Strengthen scientific research to identify the genome sequence and possible vaccine for the disease. Effectively maintained social stability so that transmission channel can be controlled. Strengthening of public education so that … Read more

DMPQ- The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is planning the inaugural flight of its indigenously developed Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV). What is SSLV and How SSLV is different from PSLV?

The SSLV is being designed by Indian scientists to carry smaller commercial satellites into the low-earth orbit less than 2,000 km above the earth’s surface. The SSLV can launch dedicated payloads or multiple satellites into low earth orbit or sun-synchronous orbit. The payload will be 300 kg to sun synchronous orbit (SSO) and 500 kg … Read more

DMPQ- Examine the process of Live Attenuated Vaccines .

Live vaccines are derived from “wild,” or disease-causing, viruses or bacteria. These wild viruses or bacteria are attenuated, or weakened, in a laboratory, usually by repeated culturing. For example, the measles virus used as a vaccine today was isolated from a child with measles disease in 1954. Almost 10 years of serial passage using tissue … Read more

DMPQ- List out main Yogic practices which are being practiced for prevention and management of diseases

Shatkarma: These are six cleansing techniques in Yoga used to clean the internal organs and systems of the body. These are called as the process of detoxification. Shatkarmas are Neti, Dhouti, Basti, Kapalabhati, Nauli, Trataka. Yogasana: These are special patterns of body that stabilise the mind through static stretching. Yogasanas are psycho-physical in nature. They … Read more

DMPQ-Government has announced a new organisation IN-SPACe, a part of reforms. Discuss the impact of establishment of such organisation.

The new Indian National Space Promotion and Authorisation Centre (IN-SPACe), which is expected to be functional within six months, will assess the needs and demands of private players, including educational and research institutions, and, explore ways to accommodate these requirements in consultation with ISRO. Existing ISRO infrastructure, both ground- and space-based, scientific and technical resources, … Read more

DMPQ: What is Integrated Guided Missile Development programmes?

The Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP) was conceived by renowned scientist Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam to enable India attain self-sufficiency in the field of missile technology. The following are the Key components of the Programme:   Short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile Prithvi-The Prithvi missile is a family of tactical surface-to-surface short-range ballistic missiles … Read more

DMPQ: Applications of Nanotechnology in Health care sector. Discuss ( SCIENCE)

Nanotechnology has the potential to completely revolutionise all the three key aspects of healthcare sector-Diagnosis, prevention and Treatment. It can completely change the healthcare sector for the next generation. Nanotechnology will help medical professionals in today’s most excruciating medical issues, such as repairing of damaged organs, diagnosis and treatment of cancer cells, removal of obstruction … Read more