DMPQ-What do you mean by quantum supremacy and how it is going to be beneficial in our quest for prowess in Information and Technology.

Quantum supremacy refers to quantum computers being able to solve a problem that a classical computer cannot. In the research paper, Google used a 53-qubit processor to generate a sequence of millions of numbers. Though these numbers appeared randomly generated, they conform to an algorithm generated by Google. A classical supercomputer checked some of these … Read more

DMPQ:What is the working principle of Hydrogen Bomb?

Hydrogen bombs are thermonuclearweapons which employs fusion of isotopes ofhydrogen. The result is greatly increased explosivepower when compared to single-stage fissionweapons.The energy released in a Hydrogen bombis several magnitudes higher than anAtom bomb. A fusion bomb is more sophisticated anddifficult to make, since it requires a muchhigher temperature — in the order ofmillions of degrees … Read more

DMPQ: Define all All four questions are from science- Neutrino, Indian -based Neutrino observatory, Goldilock zone, Internet of things

Neutrino Ans:   Neutrinos are one of the fundamental particles which make up the universe and second most abundant particle in the universe after photon. Neutrinos are similar to electron with one crucial difference that they don not carry electric charge.   Indian -based Neutrino observatory Ans:   It is being set up in Bodhi west Hill, … Read more

Explain the composition of blood.

Blood circulates in our body and it transport substance like digested food from the small intestine to the other parts of the body. It carries oxygen from lungs to the cells of the body. It also transport waste for removal from the body. Major components of Blood are as follows: Plasma: Plasma is the liquid … Read more

DMPQ- Differentiate between Radio and Microwave transmission.

Radio Transmission Its frequency is between 10 kHz to 1GHz. It is simple to install and has high attenuation. These waves are used for multicast communications. Types of Propogation Radio Transmission utilizes different types of propogation : Troposphere : The lowest portion of earth’s atmosphere extending outward approximately 30 miles from the earth’s surface. Clouds, … Read more

DMPQ- What are the General principles of food safety? How can India ensure food safety for it growing population?

1. Endeavour to achieve an appropriate level of protection of human life and health and the protection of consumer’s interests, including fair practices in all kinds of food trade with reference to food safety standards and practices; 2. Carry out risk management which shall include taking into account the results of risk assessment and other … Read more

DMPQ: Write in 50 words about each of the following: a) Brahmos B) Nirbhaya c) Cannister launch missile system

Q.    What is cannister launch missile system. Ans. Cannister based launch system serve as a container for transportation and it is always easy to carry missiles in canister. It act as a housing during storage abroad a vessel. This system will give the forces the operational flexibility to promptly transport ballistic missile and launch … Read more

DMPQ- What are e cigarette? Why government recently put a blanket ban on e cigarettes?

e-Cigarettes are battery powered devices that work by heating a liquid into an aerosol that the user inhales and exhales.  The e-cigarette liquid typically contains nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerin, flavorings, and other chemicals.   Why Blanket ban: e-Cigarettes usually contain nicotine which makes product addictive. e-Cigarettes cause health hazards for youth, young adults, and pregnant women. … Read more