DMPQ:National Aids Control Programme.

India’s AIDS Control Programme is globally acclaimed as a success story. The National AIDS Control Programme (NACP), launched in 1992, is being implemented as a comprehensive programme for prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in India. Over time, the focus has shifted from raising awareness to behavior change, from a national response to a more decentralized response … Read more

DMPQ- Successfull flight tests of Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle was the need of the hour for India. Justify.

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has successfully demonstrated the hypersonic air-breathing scramjet technology with the flight test of Hypersonic Technology Demonstration Vehicle (HSTDV) at 1103 hours from Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Launch Complex at Wheeler Island, off the coast of Odisha. With this successful demonstration, many critical technologies such as aerodynamic configuration for hypersonic … Read more

DMPQ- Differentiate between deep web and dark web.

The Deep Web (also known as the Undernet, invisible Web and hidden Web, among other monikers) consists of data that you won’t locate with a simple Google search. The deep web, invisible web, or hidden web are parts of the World Wide Web whose contents are not indexed by standard web search engines. The opposite … Read more

DMPQ- Antibiotic resistance is accelerated by the misuse and overuse of antibiotics, as well as poor infection prevention and control. Suggest ways to prevent the rise of antibiotic resistance.

Antibiotic resistance is accelerated by the misuse and overuse of antibiotics, as well as poor infection prevention and control. Steps can be taken at all levels of society to reduce the impact and limit the spread of resistance. To prevent and control the spread of antibiotic resistance, individuals can: Only use antibiotics when prescribed by … Read more

DMPQ- Mention the Applications of hydraulic pressure

Applications of hydraulic pressure Hydraulic Lifts and Fluid Power Blaise Pascal derived a law that explains how people can harness the power of fluids. When you apply pressure to liquid in a confined container, that pressure transmits equally to all other points in the container. According to the law, it’s also possible for a hydraulic … Read more

DMPQ: . Application of nanotechnology in the field of Energy application. (SCIENCE)

  Nanotechnology is improving the efficiency of fuel production from raw petroleum materials through better catalysis. It is also enabling reduced fuel consumption in vehicles and power plants through higher-efficiency combustion and decreased friction.  carbon nanotube “scrubbers” and membranes to separate carbon dioxide from power plant exhaust. Development of wires containing nano tube that will … Read more

DMPQ: What is 3 parent child?

It is an advance technology of genetic engineering to rectify the abnormalities occurring in the mitochondria due to mutation. The mutation severely affects the functioning of mitochondria in the baby. As a result baby may suffer from disease like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson disease. In sexual reproduction, Mitochondrial DNA is obtained from exclusively from the mother. … Read more

DMPQ- Recently RNA interference was in the news, what do you understand by the term RNAi and write down its application?

The term RNA interference (RNAi) was coined to describe a cellular mechanism that uses the gene’s own DNA sequence of the gene to turn it off, a process that researchers call silencing. In a wide variety of organisms, including animals, plants, and fungi, RNAi is triggered by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). During RNAi, long dsRNA is … Read more

DMPQ:What is bio dynamics? Explain its role in sustainable development and assuring farmers income. (Science)

Biodynamics a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming, gardening, food, and nutrition. Biodynamics is rooted to integrate scientific understanding with a recognition of spirit in nature. Around the world, biodynamics is alive in thousands of thriving gardens, farms, vineyards, ranches, and orchards. The principles and practices of biodynamics can be applied anywhere food is … Read more