Human Migration

 Human migration Human migration, the permanent change of residence by an individual or group; it excludes such movements as nomadism, migrant labour, commuting, and tourism, all of which are transitory in nature. Human migration is the movement of people from one place to another with the intention of settling in the new location. … Read more

Distribution of major natural resources of World-Water, Soils, Forests in reference to South and South-East Asia

Distribution of major natural resources of World-Water, Soils,  Forests in reference to South and South-East Asia     Distribution of key natural resources across the world (including South Asia and the Indian subcontinent) Natural resources are highly valued because human beings are dependent on them to fulfil their fundamental needs that changes with time. While … Read more

Migration And Metropolitan Regions

 Migration and Metropolitan Region Migration Migration has been defined as crossing of the boundary of a political or administrative unit for a certain minimum period of time. It includes the movements of refugees, displaced persons, uprooted people as well as economic migrants. Internal migration refers to a move from one area (a province, … Read more


 Fisheries: ‘Fisheries’ sector is becoming a subsector of Primary sector with consistently increasing contribution to the state economy. The state government envisages development in fisheries sector with a multi pronged strategy with essential focus on increasing fish production and thereby ensure sustainable development. Development of fisheries through effective value chain and boosting exports, … Read more

Indian Industry

 Indian Industry : An introduction Industry accounts for 26% of GDP and employs 22% of the total workforce. According to the World Bank, India’s industrial manufacturing GDP output in 2015 was 6th largest in the world on current US dollar basis ($559 billion), and 9th largest on inflation-adjusted constant 2005 US dollar basis … Read more

Major Irrigation Projects Of India And Command Area Development

 Major Irrigation Projects of India and Command Area Development Command area development programme The Centrally sponsored Command Area Development (CAD) Programme was launched in 1974-75 with the main objectives of improving the utilization of created irrigation potential and optimizing agriculture production and productivity from irrigated agriculture through a multi-disciplinary team under an Area … Read more

Infrastructure DevelopmentDams, Roads, Rails (Including Airways And Ports)

 Infrastructure Development- Dams, Roads, Rails (Including Airways and Ports) The availability of efficient infrastructure services is an important determinant of the pace of market development and output growth. Historically, the infrastructure sector has been one of the key drivers of growth of the Indian economy and has shown positive growth in the current reporting … Read more

Humidity And Precipitation

 Atmospheric humidity, which is the amount of water vapour or moisture in the air, is another leading climatic element, as is precipitation. All forms of precipitation, including drizzle, rain, snow, ice crystals, and hail, are produced as a result of the condensation of atmospheric moisture that forms clouds in which some of the particles, … Read more

Isothermal Lines

Isothermal Lines The “isothermal process”, which is thermodynamic process in which the temperature of a system remains constant. The transfer of heat into or out of the system happens so slowly that thermal equilibrium is maintained. “Thermal” is a term that describes the heat of a system. “Iso” means “equal”, so “isothermal” means “equal heat”, … Read more

Interrelationship Of Disaster And Development

 Debate regarding the relationship between socioeconomic development and natural disasters remains at the fore of global discussions, as the potential risk from climate extremes and uncertainty pose an increasing threat to developmental prospects. This study reviews statistical investigations of disaster and development linkages, across topics of macroeconomic growth, public governance and others to identify … Read more