Role Of Agriculture In Indian Economic Development

 Role of agriculture in Indian economic development-interrelationship between agriculture, industry and service sectors Role of agriculture in Indian economic development Contribution to National Income From the very beginning, agriculture is contributing a major portion to our national income. In 1950-51, agriculture and allied activities contributed about 59 per cent of the total national … Read more

Factors Controlling Landform Development

 Factors controlling landform development Landforms are individual expressions of terrain, from mountain peaks to level, featureless plains. While they sometimes seem stolid and inviolable, they are built up and destroyed by physical and chemical forces on a scale of time often dizzying to the human mind. From winds and floods to plant roots, … Read more

Origin Of The Monsoon

 Origin of the Monsoon:   Classcial Theories: Halley’s Thermal concept: Indian monsoon is because of contrast between Indian Subcontinent and adjoining Indian Ocean. Halley’s theory, suggested in 1686, considers the summer monsoon to be a regional phenomenon. Aerological concept: This was suggested by R. Scherhag in 1948. According to this theory, monsoon circulation … Read more


 NATURAL RESOURCES OF INDIA What are natural resources ? Natural resources are useful raw materials that we get from the Earth. They occur naturally, which means that humans cannot make natural resources. Instead, we use and modify natural resources in ways that are beneficial to us. The materials used in human-made objects are natural … Read more


 Earth’s Rotation and Revolution Primarily two motions: Rotation and Revolution. Rotation of Earth Earth rotates along its axis from west to east. It takes approximately 24 hrs to complete on rotation. Days and nights occur due to rotation of the earth. The circle that divides the day from night on the globe is … Read more


 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF TOWN AND PROBLEM OF HUMAN SETTLEMENT The definition of function varies across the disciplines. In political science it refers to duties, in mathematics it means the relationship between two variables and in geography it is synonymous to occupation. Geographers have classified towns on the basis of their site, situation, size, … Read more

Rural #U2013 Urban Continuum

 Rural – Urban continuum Rural- urban continuum, the merging of town and country, a term used in recognition of the fact that in general there is rarely, either physically or socially, a sharp division, a clearly marked boundary between the two, with one part of the population wholly urban, the other wholly rural. … Read more


                                            ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND DAIRY Sustained efforts – Stabilized Primary sector  Technology in agriculture – bringing together global leaders in cutting edge technologies to aid small and marginal farmers  Drought – a thing of the past – Sustained growth in Agriculture and Allied sectors – Growth despite deficit rainfall  Soil Health … Read more

Solar Eclipse

      Solar Eclipse A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the sun and the Earth, blocking some or all of the sun’s rays, preventing them from reaching the Earth. The result of this is that the sun appears to be (partially or completely) covered by a giant black circle (which is … Read more