DMPQ: Give an account of the following a) SAKAAR b) PRAGATI c) Aspirational district programme

 SAKAAR:  Sakaar is Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) Augmented Reality (AR) application designed for Andriod devices. The application consists of 3 Dimensional (3D) models of Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), RISAT, indigenous rockets such as PSLV, GSLV Mk-III etc.     PRAGATI:   PRO-ACTIVE GOVERNANCE AND TIMELY IMPLEMENTATION, Addressing common man’s grievances, and simultaneously monitoring and reviewing … Read more

DMPQ- Electoral process need to be more fair and transparent as some unhealthy patterns have emerged. Comment

Elections have on the evolutionary path of being transparent, more inclusive and efficient. But recently unhealthy practices and patterns have emerged. This patterns are anti to the development of robust democracy. Some of these patterns are as follows: Candidates and winners in assembly are from the affluent section which explicitly shows the nexus between money … Read more

DMPQ: In Subash kashinath Mahajan Vs the state of Maharashtra case , Supreme Court opined that SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act (PoA act) is being misused and checks are needed to prevent such misuse. In this context discuss the provision of the bill?

SC observed that the act has become the tool to persecute innocents and public servants for political and personal gains. This claim has been validated by Parliamentary standing committee report.  So SC banned arrest under the act, without proper nod from officials. It also held that a court can grant anticipatory bail in case of … Read more

DMPQ- “There are many provisions which limit the reach and aceess of Fundamental rights.” Elucidate.

The Fundamental Rights enshrined in Part III of the Constitution have met with a wide and varied criticism. The arguments of the critics are: Excessive Limitations They are subjected to innumerable exceptions, restrictions, qualifications and explanations. Hence, the critics remarked that the Constitution grants Fundamental Rights with one hand and takes them away with the … Read more

DMPQ: Why India adopted parliamentary form of government? Write down the merits and demerits of parliament government?

India was under the British rule where parliament form of government was in operation. Even during the course of the freedom movement, people of the country got familiarized with the principles of parliamentary government. Further a charm for giving  priority to responsibility over  stability was another reason. The constitutional makers wanted to avoid heroic worship … Read more

DMPQ- . “Indian Parliamentary system is not a replica of British Parliament.” Explain the statement.

The parliamentary system of government in India is largely based on the British parliamentary system. However, it never became a replica of the British system and differs in the following respects: India has a republican system in place of British monarchical system. In other words, the Head of the State in India (that is, President) … Read more