DMPQ-Discuss the CAG’s relationship with public corporations.

The role of CAG in the auditing of public corporations is limited. Broadly speaking, his relationship with the public corporations falls into the following three categories: Some corporations are audited totally and directly by the CAG, for example, Damodar Valley Corporation, Oil and Natural Gas Commission, Air India, Indian Airlines Corporation, and others. Some other … Read more

DMPQ: What do you mean by Waterfall mechanism?

Section 53 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code creates a waterfall mechanism, whereby the proceeds from the sale of the liquidation assets in respect of a corporate debtor are required to be distributed in a certain order of priority. Topping the list are the costs associated with insolvency resolution process and liquidation, which are followed … Read more

DMPQ: What is Preventive detention? Do you think preventive detention is in sink with the democratic principles? (POLITY)

The imprisonment of a person with the aim of preventing them from committing further offences or of maintaining public order. The grounds for Preventive detention are: * Security of state. * Maintenance of public order. * Maintenance of supplies and essential services and defence. * Foreign affairs or security of India. Preventive detention is not … Read more

DMPQ- Why cooperative societies were accorded constitutional status?

Constitutional status was accorded to the cooperative societies via 97th Constitutional amendment act. Apart from providing for the right to form cooperative societies to be a fundamental right under Article 19 of the Constitution of India and insertion of Article 43B under the Directive Principles of State Policy on promotion of cooperative societies, the amendment … Read more

DMPQ- How members of rajya sabha are elected?

Article 80 of the Constitution have provisions for members of the Rajya Sabha. Currently, it has 245 members, including 233 elected members and 12 nominated. As per the constitutional limit, the Upper House strength cannot exceed 250. The number of Rajya Sabha members a state can send depends on its population. Hence, the number of … Read more

DMPQ- What is Social Audit?

“Social auditing is defined as a systematic attempt to identify, analyse, measure (if possible), evaluate, and monitor the effect of an organisation’s operations on society (that is, specific social groups) and on the public well-being.”   Social audit as a term was used as far back as the 1950s. In a nutshell, it refers to … Read more

DMPQ- Describe the different types of Central govt. funds given in the constitution of India.

The Constitution of India provides for the following three kinds of funds for the Central government: Consolidated Fund of India (Article 266) Public Account of India (Article 266) Contingency Fund of India (Article 267) Consolidated Fund of India It is a fund to which all receipts are credited and all payments are debited. In other … Read more