DMPQ- What is the difference between “vote on account” and “interim budget”?

What is the difference between “vote on account” and “interim budget”? Ans:       The budget presented during the election year is an interim budget. It is a summary of expenses expected by the government in the next few months. The interim Budget helps span the transition time between the two governments, entrusting the responsibility of a … Read more

DMPQ: What is lateral entry in civil services? Present a case for lateral entry.

Lateral entry in civil services means recruiting personnel from the pool other than the civil service cadre and promotional cadre officers. Second administrative reforms commission, Surendra nath committee and hota committee advocated lateral entry into civil services. Advantages of lateral entry: Growing complexity in governance field like finance, administration, health etc requires specialisation in the … Read more

DMPQ- Do you agree that legislative assembly is way more powerful than legislative council.

. In the following matters, the powers and status of the council are unequal to that of the assembly: A Money Bill can be introduced only in the assembly and not in the council. The council cannot amend or reject a money bill. It should return the bill to the assembly within 14 days, either … Read more

DMPQ- Mention the list of Family / Personal laws in India. Explain the need of Uniform Civil Code.

Law relating to marriage and/or divorce has been codified in different enactments applicable to people of different religions. These are: The Converts’ Marriage Dissolution Act, 1866 The Indian Divorce Act, 1869 The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872 The Kazis Act, 1880 The Anand Marriage Act, 1909 The Indian Succession Act, 1925 The Child Marriage Restraint … Read more

DMPQ- What are the discretionary power of the governor?

The Governor of state, unlike the President of India, is conferred with power to act at his own discretion. There are two categories of discretion for the governor. One is Constitutional Discretion and the other is Situational Discretion. Constitutional Discretion of Governor The Governors of states can act at their constitutional discretion in the following … Read more

DMPQ- Whether death Penalty shall be the trait of a mature democratic country. Comment

Amnesty International recorded at least 657 executions in 20 countries in 2018, down by 5% from 2018 (at least 690 executions). This figure represents the lowest number of executions that Amnesty International has recorded in at least a decade. Reasons to abolish death Penalty: It is irreversible and mistakes happen.Execution is the ultimate, irrevocable punishment: … Read more

Electoral reforms in a democracy is a continuous process. In light of this statement suggest some electoral reforms. ( Polity)

Democracy success depends upon the conduct of free and fair elections. Hence electoral reforms is must to ensure a vibrant democracy. Reforms are itself dynamic in nature. The electoral reforms can be grouped as under: Reforms to cleanse the electoral system Debarring criminally tainted politicians from contesting , fast track courts and special courts Checking … Read more

DMPQ: What are tribunals? Discuss the issues attached with tribunals.

Tribunals are established as per appropriate statutory provisions and are observed as an alternative medium to the conventional judicial bodies for the redressal of grievances and settling disputes. A tribunal, in a plain language, is a. body of administrative character that has been powered with judicial powers to adjudicate one question of law or fact … Read more