DMPQ- Right to life under article 21 scope and meaning has been increased by Judicial pronouncement to a higher level. Comment

The fundamental right under Article 21 is one of the most important rights provided under the Constitution which has been described as the heart of fundamental rights by the Apex Court in Unni Krishnans case. The objective of the fundamental right under Article 21 is to prevent encroachment upon personal liberty and deprivation of life … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the features of citizen amendment bill 2016.( Acts)

Citizen amendment bill (2016) seeks to ease norms for religious minorities from neighbouring countries (non-Muslims) to get Indian citizenship.  But it has polarised regions in borders states like Assam as the locals fear a demographic change might be ushered due to immigration.   Features:   Citizenship Act, 1955 allows an immigrant to apply for citizenship … Read more

DMPQ: . Parliamentary control on government and executive is on decline. Do you agree with the statement. (POLITY)

The parliamentary control over government and administration in India is more theoretical than practical. In reality, the control is not as effective as it ought to be. The following factors are responsible for this: (a) The Parliament has neither time nor expertise to control the administration which has grown in volume as well as complexity. … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the importance of an Independent judiciary and describe the constitutional provisions to ensure the independence of Judiciary.

Need of Independent judiciary: To have rule of law Ensure constitutional ethos and values remain intact. Prevent whims and fancies, arbitrariness of Legislature and Executive To do complete Justice Act as a ray of hope if executives and legislature fail to deliver on democratic and constitutional principles, values and ethos. Ensure Fundamental rights are not … Read more

DMPQ- . Discuss the major constitutional and legal provisions inducted for the administration of union territories.

Articles 239 to 241 in Part VIII of the Constitution deal with the union territories. Even though all the union territories belong to one category, there is no uniformity in their administrative system. Every union territory is administered by the President acting through an administrator appointed by him. An administrator of a union territory is … Read more

DMPQ- What are the objectives and composition of the parliamentary forums?

The objectives behind the constitution of the Parliamentary forums are: To provide a platform to the members to have interactions with the ministers concerned, experts and key officials from the nodal ministries with a view to have a focused and meaningful discussion on critical issues with a result-oriented approach for speeding up the implementation process; … Read more

DMPQ- Comment on the composition of constituent assembly and critically evaluate the role of constituent assembly.

The Constituent Assembly was constituted in November 1946 under the scheme formulated by the Cabinet Mission Plan. The features of the scheme were: The total strength of the Constituent Assembly was to be 389. Of these, 296 seats were to be allotted to British India and 93 seats to the Princely States. Out of 296 … Read more