DMPQ: Do you think there is an urgent need of reform in Criminal Justice system.

India ‘s criminal justice system is facing some serious issues. Its lethargic performance and sometimes non action has eroded the trust among the people of the country. Weak criminal justice system ultimately fails democracy by not providing the rule of law. The Criminal justice system need reforms in all three components i.e. Law enforcement, adjudication … Read more

DMPQ-Justice late is justice denied. The number of pendency of cases are on rise. Discuss the reasons for such high rate of pendency.

There are over three crore cases pending across the Supreme Court, the High Courts, and the subordinate courts (including district courts).Of these, the subordinate courts account for over 86% pendency of cases, followed by 13.8% pendency before the 24 High Courts. The remaining 0.2% of cases are pending with the Supreme Court. Between 2006 and … Read more

DMPQ- What do you mean by Alternative dispute resolution? What are the significance of ADR?

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) provides an alternative approach to traditional process of dispute resolution through litigation. It provides accessible, useful, informal, voluntary, speedy and inexpensive justice to contesting parties. ADR mechanisms in India inter-alia include arbitration, mediation/ conciliation, Lok Adalats and Consumer Dispute Redressal system. Significance of ADR: Mediation can play a very useful role … Read more

DMPQ:There is on going tussle between Judiciary and executive. Discuss the key issues between judiciary and executive.

Judiciary and executive are two major component of our vibrant democracy. Their free and fair functioning lead to smooth functioning of a democratic country. The doctrine of separation of power and checks and balances has to be followed. But excessive check and balance lead to undue interference and this is the source of tussle.   … Read more

DMPQ- Explain Administrative Agencies.

All administrative law is run through government agencies. Our government is made up of numerous administrative agencies. These agencies are also sometimes called regulatory agencies. Agencies can be federal, state, city, or county entities. These agencies administer laws and manage public programs through the use of rules and regulations. Each agency is responsible for administering a particular … Read more

DMPQ: What are the main components of good governance?

The three defining indicators that have emerged as main components of good governance, effectively reinforcing democratic principle   Transparency and Accessibility: Transparency is described as the “characteristic of governments, companies, organisations and individuals of being open in the clear disclosure of information rules, plans, processes and actions”.   Accountability and Timelines: Administrative transparency is a … Read more

DMPQ:India is a federal country. In the light of this statement outline the features of federalism in India.

Features: Written constitution with exhaustive coverage. Constitutional forefathers tried to cover each and every aspect. It limits the operations of the government at the centre. Supremacy of the constitution also ensure final authority of constitution and their written words. Constitution is not easily amendable and specific pre requisite are required to ensure amendment. It limits … Read more