Should there be educational criteria for contesting elections? Critically analyse( Polity)

Supreme court of India in its judgement rightly stated that it is only education which gives a human being the power to discriminate between right and wrong, good or bad. Hence educational criteria is valid criteria.  The states under article 246(3) can make laws to enable the functioning of self -government. The benefits attached with … Read more

DMPQ- What are the duties of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)?

Duties of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) • Receipts and expenditure of the Union and the State Governments accounted for in the respective Consolidated Funds. • Transactions relating to emergency Funds (created for use in circumstances) and the Public Accounts (used mainly for loans, deposits and remittances). • Trading, manufacturing, profit and loss accounts … Read more

DMPQ- In 1976, with the introduction of the 42nd Amendment Act, there were various provisions that were amended against the will of the citizens hence, to reverse those changes and safeguard the interests of the nation, 44th Amendment Act was called into action. What were the changes made by the 44th AA?

The important changes introduced by the 44th Amendment Act are: o      Any changes in the basic structure of the constitution can be made only if they are approved by the people of India by a majority of votes at a referendum in which at least fifty-one per cent of the electorate participated. Article 368 … Read more

DMPQ: Do you think educational qualification should be the criteria for fighting panchayat elections? (POLITY)

The main objective of the 73rd Constitutional amendment act was to give wider representation and make the citizen at the grass root level a partner in decision making. Educational qualification criteria affects the representative objective as it make more than 60% of the candidates non eligible. The major reasons against the provisions are as follows: … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the Swarn Singh committee and it’s recommendations vis-à-vis Fundamental duties.

. In 1976, the Congress Party set up the Sardar Swaran Singh Committee to make recommendations about fundamental duties, the need and necessity of which was felt during the operation of the internal emergency (1975–1977). The committee recommended the inclusion of a separate chapter on fundamental duties in the Constitution. It stressed that the citizens … Read more

DMPQ- “Office of the Governor not only have executive powers but also holds legislative powers.” Elucidate.

. A governor is an integral part of the state legislature. In that capacity, he has the following legislative powers and functions: He can summon or prorogue the state legislature and dissolve the state legislative assembly. He can address the state legislature at the commencement of the first session after each general election and the … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the aim and objectives of social legislation.

OBJECTIVES OF SOCIAL LEGISLATION : Social legislation derives its inspiration from our constitution and has the following specific objectives: i)Removal of discrimination on the grounds of sex, religion, caste, class etc. and promotion of equality to all. ii)Safeguard the rights of the weaker section such as women, children, elderly, widows, destitute and the backward classes. … Read more

DMPQ:What is Emotional Intelligence? What is the need for emotional Intelligence in Civil Services?

EI is the ability to understand and regulate our emotions and that of others to handle interpersonal relationships effectively. Need for EI: Work environment of civil services has become much more complex, even hostile at times. There’s multiplicity of work (new schemes) and shortage of personnel. Civil service itself is beset with problems of corruption, inefficiency, … Read more

DMPQ: Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme.

The Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) was launched on 23rd December, 1993. Initially, Ministry of Rural Development was the Nodal Ministry for this scheme. In October, 1994 this scheme was transferred to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. Salient features of the scheme are: It is a centrally plan scheme. Funds … Read more