Science Tech
Tissue Culture
Tissue culture Tissue culture, a method of biological research in which fragments of tissue from an animal or plant are transferred to an artificial environment in which they can continue to survive and function. The cultured tissue may consist of a single cell, a population of cells, or a whole or part of … Read more
Concerns And Challenges Use Of Science And Technology
Concerns and challenges use of science and technology Digital technology and problems Social Media is an entirely different issue, especially with the upcoming generations. Without Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram and more, where would tweens and teenagers find themselves today. They physically cannot function without staying updated with the newest social media craze. News … Read more
Sanitation And Water Disposal (1)
Sanitation and Water Disposal The seriousness of the challenges associated with urban water supply and sanitation in India have been recognised in recent times. After decades of neglect, the first national effort to invest in the urban water and sanitation sector commenced in the 1970s, but was accorded considerable priority in the subsequent … Read more
Contribution Of Prominent Indian Scientists
Contribution of Prominent Indian Scientists Ever since Vedic times, science and scientific inquiry have been integral to Indian intellectual endeavors. It is widely known that Indian mathematicians invented the concept of zero and the decimal system of numbers. It is perhaps not as well known that the Pythagorean theorem was known in India many centuries before … Read more
P And SM (Preventive And Social Medicine),
P and SM (Preventive and Social Medicine) The name preventive and social medicine emphasizes the role of: Disease prevention in general through immunization, adequate nutrition, etc. in addition to the routine hygiene measures, and Social factors in health and disease. The name preventive and social medicine has gained wide acceptance in the past … Read more
Transgenic Plants
Transgenic Plants Transgenic plants are plants that have been genetically modified by inserting genes directly into a single plant cell. Transgenic crop plants modified for improved flavor, pest resistance, or some other useful property are being used increasingly. Transgenic plants are unique in that they develop from only one plant cell. In … Read more
Relation Between Focal Length And Redius Of Curvatur1
Relation between focal length and redius of curvature The focal length (f) of a lens is the distance between the center of the lens and the point at which the reflected light, of a beam of light travelling parallel to the center line, meets the center line (principal axis). The radius of curvature … Read more
National Cyber Crime Policy
National Cyber Crime Policy Cyberspace is a complex environment consisting of interactions between people, software and services, supported by worldwide distribution of information and communication technology (ICT) devices and networks. In the light of the growth of IT sector in the country, ambitious plans for rapid social transformation & inclusive growth and India’s … Read more