DMPQ- How the Indian concept of secularism is different from the western model of secularism? Discuss.

. Indian secularism is fundamentally different from Western secularism. Indian secularism does not focus only on church-state separation and the idea of inter-religious equality is crucial to the Indian conception. Indian secularism took on a distinct form as a result of an interaction between what already existed in a society that had religious diversity and … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the different social problems faced by the Women of India.

Some of the major problems faced by Women in Indian society are: Selective abortion and love for male child Dowry Domestic violence Sexual harassment at workplace High crime rate against women/ high incidence of sexual harassment at workplace Lower participation in workforce, Legislative assemblies and Parliament, Unequal pay for equal work Lack of or minimum … Read more

DMPQ- Dekho apna desh webinar series.

The Ministry of Tourism in India recently launched its “Dekho Apna Desh” webinar to offer tourism virtually. It is intended to provide an in-depth knowledge on several destinations in India alongwith information about the heritage of India. The first webinar, ‘City of Cities – Delhi’s Personal Diary’, took place on April 14, and touched upon … Read more

DMPQ:RashtriyaArogaya Nidhi

The Scheme provides for financial assistance to patients, living below poverty line and who is suffering from major life threatening diseases, to receive medical treatment at any of the super specialty Government hospitals / institutes. It is a financial assistance towards treatment in Government Hospital including super speciality government hospital/ institutes as per guidelines. Budgetary … Read more

DMPQ-Write a short note on religious fundamentalism?

Fundamentalism refers to one’s unwavering belief in the infallibility of the religious / philosophical scriptures in all matters of faith, religion an d philosophy. The attachment or belief is such strong that the believer takes a militant stand sometimes. Its purpose is to reaffirm the key theologic al tenets of one’s religion and stress on … Read more

DMPQ:What is integrity? Name different types of integrity.

Word Integrity comes from the Latin word Integer meaning whole or complete. Itmeans soundness of moral principles. Person must be consistent across time andsituations.Persons’ inner sense of wholeness deriving from honesty and consistent uprightnessof character.A person with integrity does right things for right reasons. Integrity involves basingone’s actions on internally consistent framework or principles. People … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the main Features of Indian Society.

India is a vast country and has a long history. Its society has evolved through the ages and has also been affected by foreign influences giving it extreme diversity and made unity amidst diversity a characteristic of the Indian society. However, to understand the process, we need to understand the meaning of diversity, unity and … Read more