Chhattisgarh: Horticulture



Horticulture is a branch of agriculture. It deals with the art, science, technology, and business of growing plants. It includes the cultivation of medicinal plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, sprouts, mushrooms, algae, flowers, seaweeds and non-food crops which includes grass and ornamental trees and plants.


From the below 5 categories we can derive the importance of horticulture in Chhattisgarh.

Fruit Crops – The major fruit crops grown in Chhattisgarh state are Mango, Guava, Lime, Litchi, Cashew-nut, Cheku etc., apart from these major fruit crops minor fruits like Sitafal, Bael, Ber, Anola etc., are also grown both as cultivated and wild crop. The total area of the fruit crops in the state is 2,39,676 Ha. along with the production of 23,28,811 MT in the year 2015-2016. Agro climatically Mango can be grown in the whole part of the state successfully while the northern hilly area of Sarguja and Jashpur district is suitable for production of Litchi. Cashew nut can be grown well in the plateau region of the Bastar&Raigarh district

  1. Spices – Chili, Ginger, Garlic, Turmeric, Coriander &Methi are the major spices grown in the state. The total area of spices recorded in year 2015-2016 was 93,662 Ha. with the production of 6,59,192 MT.
  2. Aromatic & Medicinal Plants – The medicinal crops grown in the state are Ashwagandha, Serpagandha, Satawar, Butch, Aonla, Tikhur etc. Some aromatic crops like Lemongrass, Pamarosa, Jamarosa, Patchauli, E.citridora are promoted by the department for commercial cultivation among farmers. The present area of aromatic and medicinal crops in the state is 8529 Ha. with the production of 59,972 MT in the year 2015-2016.
  3. Flowers – Area under flower cultivation is negligible in the state. With the formation of new state, the demand of flowers is increasing day-by-day, to meet out the growing demand of flowers it is essential to promote commercial floriculture among the farmers. The major flowers like Marry-gold, Tuberose, Gladiolus, Roses, Gaillardia, Chrysanthemum, Orchids etc., can be grown very well without much care. The present area under floriculture in the state is 11 thousand Ha. with the production of 53 thousand MT. approximately in the year 2015-2016.
  4. Vegetables – Mostly all vegetable crops like Cucurbits, Beans, Cabbage, Cauliflower etc., are grown very well in the state. The total area of vegetable crops in the state was recorded 4,38,849 Ha. in the year 2015-2016 with the production of 60,61,801 MT.


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