22.04.21 Daily [Chhattisgarh] CGPSC Current Affairs

Chhattisgarh Affairs

Chhattisgarh’s legal body provides ‘Rahat’ to 308 women victims

ChhattisgarhState Legal Services Authority (CGSLSA) has provided relief to victims in over 308 cases ofcrimeagainst Women as a part of its campaign Rahat in the last two months.

Under this, all the District Legal Services Authorities (DLSAs) of Chhattisgarh state are constantly making efforts to dispose of cases as a part of this campaign to provide immediate relief and compensation to the women victims of various criminal incidents and the amount of compensation is being provided to them.

In a notable success, in the month of January and February, action has been taken on a total of 308 applications including 106 in January and 202 in February, received by DLSAs across the state. An award of Rs 3.20 crore has been passed in the same. Maximum 47 cases were disposed of by District Legal Services Authority Bastar.

National and International Affairs

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