09.02.22 Daily [Chhattisgarh] CGPSC Current Affairs

Chhattisgarh Affairs

Chhattisgarhi films to get govt subsidy

To encourage the local film , theChhattisgarhgovernment has announced a subsidy of Rs 1.65 crore on vernacularChhattisgarhifilms being made in the state up to Rs 5 crore and 25 % subsidy for films made in Hindi or other languages.

The notification of Chhattisgarh Film Policy 2021 by the State Government has been welcomed by local artists.

As per government officials, after the implementation of the new film policy, the art culture of Chhattisgarh will get a wider audience. With the new policy in place, local artists will get EMPLOYMENT and their income will increase as well. This will benefit the locals, including thousands of artists, technicians and producer-directors associated with the film industry.
Rs 50 lakh will be given on production of series. If the shooting of the film is more than 75 % for the web platform in Chhattisgarh, then it will be provided a subsidy of Rs 1 crore. Under the new policy, an assistance of Rs 25 lakh will be given by the government to the artists and technicians of the state in film production.

According to sources, the new film policy of Chhattisgarh has been made after studying the policy of five states: Telangana, Madhya Pradesh,Uttar Pradesh, Odisha and Jharkhand.

National and International Affairs

PDRD Grant

The Central Government has released a Post Devolution (PDRD) grant of 9,871 crores of rupees, distributed to 17 states after the finance ministry’s approval.


The state governments get the Post Devolution Revenue Deficit grant. Article 275 of the constitution provides for the grant.

The grants are distributed following the fifteenth Finance Commission‘s recommendations.

The parliament shall offer grants in aid to states, according to Article 275. India’s consolidated fund funds these grants.

The federal government has complete authority to set varying amounts for various states. The grant’s goal is to assist state governments in covering the costs of the projects, promoting the welfare of scheduled tribes, and improving the administration of scheduled territories.

Leopard Counting Census

Forest department employees rescued a leopard from the Sishugram Red Cross organisation near IIT Guwahati on February 3, 2022.


After being observed, the leopard will be released into its natural habitat.

Under its divisional competence, the NKF Division has also begun the process of conducting a leopard counting census.

North Kamrup Forest Division (NKF Division) has begun an exclusive leopard counting census in Assam’s forest and non-forest areas for the first time.

The leopard counting census has begun in Amingaon, Kamrup district, where leopards have high densities.

It began on January 31, 2022. Leopards will be counted using the camera trapping approach.

In the Amingaon area, 50 cameras would be deployed at Sila Reserve Forest, NIPER, Changsari, Aiims, and other locations.

Paray Shikshalaya

he classroom at Paray Shikshalaya is an open one. The West Bengal government will be the one to launch it.


The Paray Shikshalaya has been established for pupils in pre-primary and primary school.

Elementary Education will be provided to pupils in classes 1 through 5 under the system. The classes will take place on the ground.

Extracurricular activities would be promoted and supported among the pupils. Meals will be served in the middle of the day.

According to , the primary school dropout rate was 6.61 percent in 2010-11. In addition, since COVID, the number of pupils attending school has declined across India. West Bengal’s rural areas are yet to obtain Internet access. The open room classroom is the ideal technique to bring in primary school children in this situation.

National Sports Federations Scheme of Assistance

To strengthen its support for Sports in India, the Union Government has authorized the continuation of the “Scheme of Assistance to National Sports Federations (NSFs).”


The continuation of the Scheme has been authorized with a budget of Rs. 1575 crore for the XV Cycle, which runs from 2021-22 to 2025-26.

The principal Central Sector Scheme is the Scheme of Assistance to NSFs.

It is a significant source of funding for national teams preparing for the Asian Games, Para Asian Games, Olympic Games, Para-Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games (CWG), and other major international tournaments.


The cycle’s funding will be extended to NSFs for national team training for national and international events between 2022 and 2026, focusing on the Commonwealth and Asian Games in 2022, the Olympics, and the Paralympics in 2024 Asian and Commonwealth Games in 2026.

Space X Launched NROL-87 Mission

SpaceX successfully launched NROL-87, a spy satellite for the US military, as part of the operation.


Falcon rocket was used to launch the satellite, which is the second of the mission’s three planned launches.Many details of the NRO fleet are never revealed, as these satellites are employed for military purposes.

The First Time NRO Mission required a Rocket landing, also called a Vertical landing. This was propelled from the Californian Space Force outpost of Vandenberg.

The NROL-87 is a reconnaissance satellite operated by the United States.

The satellite was launched into a 512.7 km orbit by a Falcon rocket. It was orbited around the Sun in a Sun Synchronous Orbit, also known as Helio synchronous orbit, which It’s a polar orbit.

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