07.07.22 Daily [Chhattisgarh] CGPSC Current Affairs

Chhattisgarh Affairs

Chhattisgarh to procure pulses on support price

The Chhattisgarh Cabinet decided to procure pulses arhar, uradh and moong at minimum support price from Kharif season 2022-23, <a href="https://exam.pscnotes.com/Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture Minister Ravindra Choubey announced.

He said to promote the Growth of pulses, the cabinet decided to procure arhar (pigeon pea), udah (black gram) and moong (green gram) at minimum support price.

The target of paddy of 110 lakh tonnes will continue. The target of pulses has been kept as 50,000 tonnes.

He accepted that there has been a decrease in the area of pulse production, which needed to be boosted. So, a decision has been taken for government procurement. It will help to increase the income of farmers.

The Minister said there were several complaints that outsiders (domiciles of other states) were getting domicile certificates. To rationalize it, an amendment was being made.

He said for Kharif Marketing year 2021-22, a decision was taken to give incentive to rice millers.

The cabinet decided that the 50 percent amount will be paid with custom milling fee and remaining 50 percent will be paid on depositing the rice to Central Pool as per the target on time.

National and International Affairs

Indias first Autonomous Navigation facility : TiHAN

TiHAN stands for Technology Innovation Hub on Autonomous . It is a multidisciplinary initiative, that has been launched to make India a global player in smart mobility technology for futuristic and next generation. This platform will provide for high quality research facility between Industry, academia and R&D labs at local and global levels.

TiHAN testbed seeks to make India a global leader in terms of autonomous navigation technologies. TiHAN-IITH testbed on Autonomous Navigations (Aerial & Terrestrial) will help in accurate testing of next generation autonomous navigation technologies. The testbed comprises of simulation platforms, which is turn permit for non-destructive testing of algorithms and prototypes.

TiHAN was inaugurated at the campus of IIT Hyderabad.

Union Ministry of Science and Technology has developed the navigation facility with an outlay of Rs. 130 crores.

Animal Health Summit 2022

The Animal Health Summit was held to understand the significance of health of animals in broader objective of Indias rural incomes & prosperity, food & Nutrition security, and overall .

The summit was organised by Indian Chamber of Food and <a href="https://exam.pscnotes.com/Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture (ICFA) in collaboration with the Agriculture Today Group.

Union Minister ofFisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Parshottam Rupala,attended the event as chief guest and inaugurated the summit.

It is a two-day event and hosted many panel discussions on topics including:

Animal Health policy initiatives

Business Environment in Animal Health sector

Investment opportunities in Animal Health sector.

While inaugurating the summit, Union Minister noted that, we need to strengthen the cooperative movement in Livestock sector. He asked to use Ayurveda to ensure better animal health. He further asked for suggestions from citizens regarding initiatives, that can be implemented to recognise the work of veterinarians in India.

Indian economy- an exclusive part of global development: Experts

The recent conference of economy experts discussed the different views about Indian economy. They said that, in terms of GDP by Purchase Power Parity (PPP), India holds 3rd rank with $8.9 trillion. To reduce absolute POVERTY, the Government of India launched various schemes at the mass level and during the period 2011-15, and as a result,90 million people were lifted out of extreme poverty.

India’s domestic economy has acted as Oxygen for the rapidly weakening global economy due to the covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war. Due to India’s specific , trade and financial integration Bonds between the world, India has been strengthened, Now India is developing into a world leader, and the last decade has been very positive in terms of statistical and economic planning.But the biggest challenge for the Indian economy is to sustain this Growth for a long time, and the Covid-19 pandemic has also affected the economy badly.

The government of India has taken vital initiatives to revive the economy rapidly, and these steps are showing results; India has become a hub of generic drugs, vaccinations and medical devices and has also become a helping hand to those countries who are helpless in the midst of the pandemic period.

India in UNESCO panel on Intangible Cultural Heritage

In past, India has been a member of ICH Committee for two times viz., during 2006-2010 and 2014-2018.

Amid the ongoing celebrations of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, India has been elected for two prominent Committees of UNESCO namely,

Intangible Cultural Heritage (for 2022-2026) and

World Heritage (for 2021-2025).

Membership to ICH Committee will provide India an opportunity to restore the values of Vasudeva Kutumbakam.

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