DMPQ Premium-. Write a note on Kaluchari dynasty rule in Chattishgarh.

Kalchuri dynasty is assumed to be the starting point of political era of Chhattisgarh. Kalchuri ruled her almost about 7 decades. Kalchuri was Haeyeh Rajput and they were follower of Shev Dharma. There were two branches of Kalchuri dynasty in Chhattisgarh:

  • Ratanpur and

Ratanpur was the first branch of Kalchuri dynasty. In the end of 9th century, Kalchuri of Trivpuri region tried to establish rule in this region. Shankar-II son of Kookal-I defeated Vikramdity (Banvanshi) and won this region. He appointed his younger brother and established capital as tumaan. Later Somvanshi ruler of Orissa defeated him.

Raipur was the second branch of Kalchuri dynasty. Later Kulchuri of Ratanpur also divided into two more branches. Accessory branch was established. At the end of the 14th century king of Ratanpur  Lkshmidev Klvatika sent as representatives. The son of Lkshmidev won 18 war. He disobeyed the sovereignty of Ratanpur and declared a independent state.

Kalchuri dynasty was ended by the attack of Marathas in 1749. In the end of 9th century, Kalchuri of Trivpuri region tried to establish rule in this region. Shankar II son of Kookal I defeated Vikramditya (Banvanshi) and won Pali region. Shankar appointed his younger brother to this region. Tumaan was the first capital of Kalchuries.

But Kalchurie couldn’t able to rule here for a long time. They were defeated by the Somvanshi king of Sonpur in Orissa. Around 1000 AD Kalingraj son Kookal II founded again the Kulchuri dynasty. That’s why Kalingraj is considered to be a real founder.



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