Wildlife and Ecotourism in Chattisgarh

  Indian state of Chhattisgarh is famous for its enchantingly beautiful natural landscapes, rich cultural heritage and unique tribal populations. With over 4% of its total area under forests, Chhattisgarh is also amongst the greenest states of India. The Chhattisgarh region is known as a great repository of biological diversit y. The unique combination of rich cultural heritage and biological diversity makes Chhattisgarh an ideal ecotourism destination with immense potentials for the growth ecotourism the region. The Indian Govt. is actively collaborating with the local officialsof the state to realize the full potential of eco tourism growth of the region in order to make Chhattisgarh as one of the most important ecotourism destinations in India. Chhattisgarh is one of the greenest states of India with over 44 % of its total area under lush forests. The forests of Chhattisgarh are not only known for their diverse floraand fauna but also contain about 88 species of medicinal plants.  Chhattisgarh is also unique in its wildlife population and has 3 National Parks and 11 Wildlife Sanctuaries, housing some of the rare wildlife and bird species. With so much of variety for eco tourism, Chhattisgarh promises to be an ideal holiday destination for nature lovers, wildlife enthusiasts and also for those who want to discover the unique tribal life of the region. Chhattisgarh has identified some regions with a very high potentiality for eco­tourism. Wildlife Sanctuaries   Badalkhol Badalkhol sanctuary is located in Jashpur district of Chhattisgarh. It lies on the banks of Eib River and Dorki River and spreads over an area of 105 sq km. The sanctuary’s vegetation is dominated by Sal forests. It is … Read more


    Forest ecosystem includes a complex assemblage of different kinds of biotic communities. Optimum conditions such as temperature and ground moisture are responsible for the establishment of forest communities. Forests may be evergreen or deciduous which are distinguished on the basis of leaf into broad-leafed or needle leafed coniferous forests in the case of … Read more


    Ecology is  defined “as a scientific study of the relationship of the living organisms with each other and with their environment.” The classical texts of the Vedic period such as the Vedas, the Samhitas, the Brahmanas and the Aranyakas-Upanishads contain many references to ecological concepts .The Indian treatise on medicine, the Caraka- Samhita … Read more

03 & 04.09.17 Chhattisgarh (CGPCS) Current Affairs

CHHATTISGARH   ·               Jaypee plans to raise Rs 2k cr, to sell Bhilai Jaypee Cement.   ð Debt-ridden Jaiprakash Associates  said its proposed sale of entire 74 per cent stake in Bhilai Jaypee Cement Ltd for an enterprise value of Rs 1,450 crore is expected to be concluded by year-end and plans to raise up to Rs 2,000 … Read more

Drainage Systems Himalayan and the Peninsular

  Drainage: Flow of water through well-defined channels. Network of such channels is called a drainage system . Drainage basin: An area drained by a river and its tributaries. Watershed: Boundary line separating one drainage basin from other. River basins are larger watersheds. Drainage pattern of an area depends on the geological time period, nature … Read more


      A tsunami is a very long-wavelength wave of water that is generated by sudden displacement of the seafloor or disruption of any body of standing water. Tsunami are sometimes called “seismic sea waves”, although they can be generated by mechanisms other than earthquakes. Tsunami have also been called “tidal waves”, but this … Read more

Plate tectonics

  The uppermost outer solid and rigid layer of the earth is called crust. Its thickness varies considerably. It is as little as 5 km thick beneath the oceans at some places but under some mountain ranges it extends upto a depth of 700km. Below the crust denser rocks are found, known as mantle crust. … Read more


Current Status It is the largest and fastest growing sector globally contributing to the global output and employing more people than any other sector Why has services sector grown? Increase in urbanisation, privatisation and more demand for intermediate and final consumer services Availability of quality services is vital for the well being of the economy … Read more

Chhattisgarh: Industrial Policy

  Industrial policy of any state paves the way to development in particular direction with a specific thought process.   The first Industrial Policy of Chhattisgarh state was unveiled on November 1, 2001. The second Industrial Policy was introduced on November 1, 2004 with a validity of five years. The Third Industrial Policy was implemented … Read more

Current Geopolitical Conflicts

Geopolitical Conflict is the Military engagements and diplomatic crises between nations with global implications and which even threatens in extreme circumstance to the survival of humanity.Various types of Geopolitical Conflicts are as follows:- Ø  Conventional War:-The engagement of two or more nations in military conflict, using conventional weapons to target military infrastructure and invade/defend sovereignty … Read more

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