DMPQ- Write a short note on Pochampally Ikat.

Pochampally Ikat is a well-known form of saree made in Bhooda Pochampally and surrounding villages in Telangana State, India. these are popular for their traditional geometric patterns with the Ikat style of dyeing. Pochampally Ikat saree is the first traditional Indian craft to receive the status of Geographical Indication (GI) protection. Pochampally village has made … Read more

DMPQ: Gandhiji decided to initiate limited satyagraha on an individual basis by a few selected individuals” What were the objectives of launching Individual satyagraha? Why it was launched? ( History)

The Britishers were not in a position to give in to any of the demand of the congress till the later came into any agreement with the leaders. Hence to demolish this adamant position Congress asked Gandhiji to take command. Gandhiji decided to initiate a limited satyagraha on individual basis. The demand of satyagrahi would … Read more