DMPQ: Write an essay on the development of Architecture during Chalukyas.

The Badami Chalukya era was an important period in the development of South Indian architecture. The kings of this dynasty were called Umapati Varlabdh and built many temples for the Hindu god Shiva. Their style of architecture is called “Chalukyan architecture” or “Karnata Dravida architecture”. Nearly a hundred monuments built by them, rock cut (cave) … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the role played by Subash Chandra boss in the Indian national freedom struggle.

Bose was an Indian Nationalist and prominent figure of the India Independence movement. His contribution towards India’s freedom struggle was of revolutionary kind. The main contribution of S C Bose is discussed here under: During NCM he organised National schools and colleges and worked for Hindu Muslim Unity. He was appointed the Principal of National … Read more

DMPQ-Evaluate the development of Industries in India in the Inter-War Period (1919-38).

No country under colonial dependence could undertake any industrial transformation, if not all-round development. Up to the First World War, India experienced the classic period of imperialism of free trade and the British Government’s unsympathetic, hostile policy against industry. In addition, shortage of capital, management experience and technical expertise, as well as the absence of … Read more

DMPQ: Comment on the battle of koregaon.

A battle was fought in Bhima Koregaon, a district in Pune with a strong historical Dalit connection, between the Peshwa forces and the British on January 1, 1818. The British army, which comprised mainly of Dalit soldiers, fought the upper caste-dominated Peshwa army. The British troops defeated the Peshwa army. The victory was seen as a … Read more

DMPQ-. “Sculpture and painting saw it’s peak during Gupta period.” Explain.

. The period saw the emergence of iconic Hindu deities like Vishnu, Kartikeya, Shiva Surya and many other gods and goddesses, carved in stone in temples and in temple architecture. After the Huna invaders destroyed most of the artworks from the Gupta period, the surviving ones seen to this day are the Gupta architecture of … Read more

DMPQ- Explain Ochre Coloured Pottery.

The earliest evidence of pottery manufacture comes from the site of Mehrgarh in Baluchistan, dated to 6500 BC. One of the characteristic features of the Chalcolithic period is a well-developed ceramic industry. They produced fine painted and plain and coarse pottery for a variety of purposes. Besides, the people of the Ahar and Narahan cultures … Read more

DMPQ- List out the Nine Gems or Navaratnas present in the court of Vikramaditya

The group comprised of Kalidasa Vetala Bhatta Varahamihira Vararuchi Amarasimha Dhanvantari kshapanak Shanku Ghatakarpura Kalidasa Kalidasa was a famous Sanskrit writer and poet in the court of Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya). Kalidasa was the author of three famous plays. Abhijnanasakuntalam :tells the story of King Dushyanta and Shakuntala Malavikagnimitramtells the story love of King Agnimitra with … Read more

Outline the features of the government of India act, 1909.

System of dyarchy was introduced. The dyarchy means a system of double government in which The principle of dyarchy was a division of the executive branch of each provincial government into authoritarian and popularly responsible sections. The first was composed of executive councillors, appointed, as before, by the crown. The second was composed of ministers … Read more