DMPQ- Mention the Causes of Decline of Indian Handicraft in British India.

Causes of Decline: Decline of Indian courts: The disappearance of Indian courts struck the first blow at Indian handicrafts. As native states passed under British rule, the demand for fine articles, for display in durbars and other ceremonial occasions disappeared. The ordinary demand did continue for sometime longer, but the younger generation lacked the means … Read more

DMPQ- . Jyotiba phule’s satyashodhak samaj movement has played important role in social equality goal.

. Jyotiba Phule (1827-1890), born in Satara, Maharashtra, belonged to the mali (gardener) community and organised a powerful movement against upper caste domination and brahminical supremacy. Phule founded the Satyashodhak Samaj (Truth Seekers’ Society) in 1873, with the leadership of the samaj coming from the backward classes, malis, telis, kunbis, saris and dhangars. The main … Read more

DMPQ-. “Temple architecture reached it’s peak during Chola period.” Elucidate.

. The Chola period is a very significant span of time in that the south Indian art and architecture made marvelous achievement. The Chola dynasty was founded by vijayalaya Chola who controlled the vast geographical terrain of TamilNadu region that was earlier ruled by the Pallava kings of kanchipuram. Vjaylaxmi was a great builder of … Read more

DMPQ: Deindustrialisation was one of the impact of British rule. Give the reasons for deindustrialisation of India?

British rule was the era of drain of wealth. It affected all the sector alike. It has an impact on socio-economic-political milieu. Deindustalisation was the one of the serious consequence. The reasons for deindustralisation are as follows: The patronage received by the industries earlier were no longer available. As there was curtailment of demand of … Read more

DMPQ-The patrons of art and architecture during Vijayanagar Empire were the inheritors of the rich traditions of the Cholas, Pallavas and the Hoysalas. Elucidate

The vast expanse of land in the southern Deccan comprised the kingdom of Vijayanagar from 1336-1650 A.D approximately. The famous kingdom was ruled by a series of able monarchs who were great patrons of art, architecture and letters. Magnificent structures were erected during the heydays of the empire, famous among them like Hampi monuments find … Read more

DMPQ- How important was the Marshall Plan in bringing about the recovery of Western Europe between 1947 and 1951?

Between 1948 and 1951, the United States undertook what many consider to be one of its more successful foreign policy initiatives and most effective foreign aid programs. The Marshall Plan (the Plan) and the European Recovery Program (ERP) that it generated involved an ambitious effort to stimulate economic growth in a despondent and nearly bankrupt … Read more

DMPQ-Monolithic pillars are epitome of Mauryan architecture.” Elucidate.

. Monolithic pillars and capitols made during this period are prime example of Mauryan art. The  important places where the pillars have been found are Basarah-Bakhira, Lauriya-Nandangarh,  Rampurva, Sankisa and Sarnath. These pillars were carved in two types of stone viz. the spotted  red and white sandstone from the region of Mathura and buff-coloured fine … Read more